January 7, 2012

In Which Raia Doesn't Think Things Through

July 20, 1177

"So. Vera." Riona flopped back onto the mattress, catching herself on her fingertips and tapping the bedpost with her foot. "Now that we know Blind Boy can talk, out with it: what else can he do with his tongue?"

The color in Vera's face drained through her neck and vanished beneath her nightgown. Raia wasn't sure whether to laugh or fight back on her little sister's behalf. Maybe this sleepover hadn't been one of their father's better ideas. "Riona!"

Riona swung her legs toward the edge of the bed and smirked. "What? Is it so horrible for us married old hags to take an interest in our baby sister's love life?"

"Baby sister?" Vera gaped at her, disbelieving. "You're eleven months older than me!"

"And old hags?" Raia snickered, sending a wink Vera's way. Falidor would get a kick out of that comment when she mentioned it later. "Speak for yourself, Ri--right, Viridis?"

"Mmm? Oh, right."

It was quite possibly the first thing out of Viridis's mouth since supper, and only if this definition of 'thing' expanded beyond words to include pieces of cutlery. And already she'd turned away again, reemerged in her own little world, so much like their mother with that sad look of faraway longing. It was unnerving. Viridis had always been the quiet one, but at least she'd been happy. "Viridis..."

Beside her, Vera followed her gaze and flashed their sister a sympathetic smile. "Maybe it's just the pork? Riona spent twenty minutes hurling after that, remember?"

Raia laughed. Trust Vera to hand her the opportunity to make Viridis smile. "That's because Riona's as much of a pig as the meal was!"

Vera nearly choked. Hopeful, Raia shot another glance toward Viridis; the corners of her lips seemed to twitch a little, but it was hardly the reaction she'd wanted. "You did eat more than the rest of us combined."

Pushing the curtain back with her toe, Riona sniffed. "Who says the hurling had anything to do with the food?"

Behind her, Viridis's head sunk further into her pillow. So that was the problem. Poor girl. "You don't mean--?"

"Mm-hmm." She raised one hand and gave her stomach a quick rub while Viridis rolled over to stare at the wall. "Kind of annoying that it had to be so soon--but I guess I can't complain in front of you, right Raia? You with your two kids in the same calendar year. But seriously, I might need some of those herbs you keep talking about."

Viridis shifted again. Uncomfortable, Raia swallowed. "Riona--"

"Oh God... they didn't stop working, did they?"

If only Riona would turn around and take a look at the sister behind her. Then again, what did Riona know? She was Viridis's younger sister; nice as it might have been, maturity and sensitivity weren't expected of her. That was the older sister's job.

"Say, Riona... I heard one of the maids say that Lucien said Vera feels pretty."

Riona's brows perked up and Vera's face scrunched in embarrassment. Sorry, Vera. "Oh really?"

"Really. Have fun with that." Raia pushed herself off the bench and stepped around the bed as Riona readied her taunt. She'd deal with her later, after the more immediate issue had be addressed. "Viridis, honey, can I have a word?"

Nodding, her sister heaved herself off the bed and followed her to a small alcove at the room's far side. They probably didn't have much more than a few minutes before Riona grew bored with the topic Raia had flung at her; if nothing else, she hoped it would be enough time to assure Viridis that there was nothing wrong with her and there was no use worrying.

"I'm sorry if she's upsetting you."

It was an insufficient start and she knew it. Viridis frowned. "Raia..."

"No, I... I hope you don't think she's doing it on purpose. You know Riona. She's not very good at thinking things through." Viridis tugged at the cuff of her sleeve. Shit. This little talk was probably just making it worse. She'd have to think of something better to say. "And you shouldn't give up hope just yet. A lot of women go a few years without having a baby--and then once they start, some of them can't stop."

"Easy for you to say, if you really have to take herbs to space them out."

It was true. She couldn't understand--not really, even if she did believe things would work out for Viridis eventually. But who could she suggest that her sister talk to? Camaline? No, she'd probably be cynical and pessimistic about the whole thing. Jeda? Well, knowing that neither her nor Ellona had many kids considering the length of their relationships, that it was more likely a problem on Ietrin's part. The only face that came to mind was their grandmother's, and that was iffy at best; if their grandmother hadn't wanted to get pregnant before their father had somehow defied her barriers, she would've known how to prevent it.

But she was a herbalist, and a midwife--and she'd had their Aunt Aerina quite late in life. Maybe she had some tricks to the contrary. "Have you thought about asking Grandmother for help?"

Viridis shook her head. "You know Grandmother. She'd just try to figure out what's wrong with me."

"She would not." Grasping at straws, she pulled her sister into a hug. It wasn't much. It was hardly anything. But what else was she supposed to say? Everyone else in our family practically shoves them out holding hands, so it's only a matter of time? Even if she could guarantee it, Viridis wouldn't believe her. "And there's nothing wrong with you, all right? Don't ever let me hear you say that again."

Sighing, Viridis propped her chin up on Raia's shoulder. It might have been nice to be useful as something other than a standing aid, but it had been a doomed cause from the start. Apparently Riona wasn't the only one who couldn't think things through. "Can we just go back to the bed and bring up some of Riona's embarrassing childhood moments?"

For her sister's sake, Raia forced herself to laugh. "I've already got a few in mind."



Van said...

Sorry if this chapter fell a bit flat. I think it's because it's not immediately important... but I kind of wanted to do a post with all of Alina's daughters and who knows when Viridis is going to be in Naroni again :S

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, how sweet :)
I hope somebody can help Viridis, she deserves some happiness, at least she has her sisters looking out for her :)

Van said...

Fortunately for Viridis, it could very well be just a side effect of her general health; maybe if she stays reasonably well for a few years, her fertility will reflect that ;)

But yes, her sisters do want the best for her, even if they have no idea how to show it.

Anonymous said...

When is the last time we saw all of the sisters in the same post? This was pretty awesome.

Silly Riona, though. She somehow hasn't learned tact yet. And poor Viridis -- it's tough enough being infertile when you desperately want a child, it must be 10 times harder when both of your sexually active sisters get pregnant all the time (or would if they weren't taking steps to prevent it).

She really should talk to Laveria. Maybe she could help. :)

Van said...

I'm pretty sure the last time all four of them were in a post, at least two of them were non-verbal toddlers :S

Riona doesn't have much in the tact department and probably never will, but everyone has their flaws; sometimes it works in her favor, even if it kind of made her the villain of this post :P

I don't have a sister, nor any intention of having a baby any time soon... but yeah, I imagine that would make fertility struggles all the more difficult, having such a close relative with the exact opposite problem (that might run both ways, too).

Laveria could possibly help. I doubt Viridis would be the first or last woman to come to her looking for such advice, so why not?

Chene said...

The noise that came out of my mouth when I saw the preview pic!

Van said...

Eehee... :)