January 20, 2012

In Which Camaline Distinguishes the Want and the Need

August 15, 1177

Camaline's fingers had no reason to linger on the drawer now that her dress had been folded away and her nightgown hugged the curves of her body but as she thought to push, they hesitated. She tried to tell herself that it was because Sparron had just seen her naked, but no--it wasn't as if they hadn't seen each other naked before, or if it was suddenly a big deal for either of them. They were well beyond that awkward newlywed phase, mystified by each other's bodies, a little curious but ultimately unaffected and a bit guilty over the fact. There were no mysteries anymore, and certainly no lingering hope of ever finding each other appealing.

No. She was stalling. She had something to say but it was stupid and she didn't want to, so she stalled.

Back on the bed, Sparron sniffed. "Trying to pick a dress for tomorrow?"

"No." She slid the drawer shut and stared at him. He was dressed for bed, which was fine. He could spend the night if he wanted to; the occasional sleepover was the only reason their coitus was any more frequent than it had to be.

The bed was still made, untouched until Sparron had reclined upon it. It always was. They made love on the floor. Well, that wasn't quite true. She didn't know what they made--tolerance, friendship, parental appeasement, some idiotic hope that they might conceive--but it wasn't love. Still on the floor, though. She didn't want to sleep in sheets drenched with their fluids, even if they never managed much. "Move over. I need to tell you something."

Shrugging, he did as he was told--not to the extent she'd wanted, but he had obeyed. That might have made it even tougher. A nervous lump sat in her throat as she settled beside him, swelling as she met his eyes. "I'll need to borrow some of your clothes in the morning. I'm going to some brothels tomorrow."

"And here I thought you had standards."

Camaline glared at him. "Not for that, you idiot. Girls born to whores are raised in brothels and grow up to be whores themselves; you know that, right?"

Her husband's eyes narrowed. Good Lord, how was it still so odd to think of him as her husband? He was her friend--her friend she fucked on occasion, her friend who needed a son. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, your uncles must have seen every whore in the kingdom's history by now. And let's face it: your mother was frigid as an icicle and your father had to take care of his urges somehow." Sparron shuddered. Camaline understood, but ultimately ignored it. "What if one of them fathered a daughter with a whore? And what if there was an obvious resemblance?"

"Then I pity the poor girl."

Was it that strange a leap? She'd hoped she wouldn't have to come out and say it. "Look, I'm just saying--what if there's a young prostitute around here who looks passably like you? What if we kept an eye on her, bribed her to keep off the herbs, had her tell us if there was any news. I could stuff my dress--"

"No." His stare was not only disbelieving but vexed. In hindsight, she could have expected that. It was a stupid idea, and Sparron was not a stupid man. "Camaline, I can't believe I have to say this to you, but we are not buying a baby off a whore. Fuck--I thought we agreed that we didn't want one."

"We don't, but we need one." They needed one, and she couldn't give it to him. The whore idea left much to be desired, but after long and hard thought it was still the best she could do. It wasn't like she could reach in there and open the front door of her womb. At this point, how could she know she even had a womb? "A whore with your look could produce a child with your look."

"Or it could favor its father--who could be some dark-haired, dark-eyed foreigner for all we know. Or some notorious cad like Jadin. We get enough whispers without accusations of adultery." Even if that was already true on both their parts and neither of them even cared. "I have two little brothers. Maybe I'll have a third come October. I'm fine with them being my heirs."

But oh, that was so easy for him to say. She knew for a fact that it was her if not both of them, but all the same she felt a little bitter. Nobody ever pinned these matters on the man. "Our parents will be displeased."

"My parents have other things to worry about--and yours are too ridiculous to even count." And yet, they did. The king and queen always counted. "If you're tired of listening to your father and stepmother, just stop visiting them."

Camaline sighed. If only it were that easy.



Van said...

I wasn't planning on starting this arc for a few more years, especially since the Ashe/Rona storyline still needs to wind up and same with the Vera/Lucien/Remiel shenanigans, but an otherwise-convenient random date demanded that I go ahead with it sooner.

Joseph said...

Actually I think this might be the right time to start this story arc. Six years is long enough for Cammie (Can't be bothered to use her full name :p)and Sparron to know that a baby isn't exactly forthcoming the natural way.

It's a pity really that Cammie and Sparron have to go to these lengths at all really. Pity they're not in the modern age then they wouldn't have to have kids. Come to think of it, they probably wouldn't even be married. Cammie would be in a lesbian relationship and Sparron would be going out with Searle. But I digress...

Anyway, excited to see if these two actually go through with this plan. (Little inkling is telling me they might, if a whole story arc is dedicated to them.)

Oh and just out of interest, when WERE you going to go through with this arc? I mean, which year or something?

Anonymous said...

If I were Camaline, and desperate enough, I would go ahead with the plan of a surrogate without telling Sparron. She would need to plan it carefully of course, and I guess that would mean more constant visits to the floor, but I doubt it would take long, and who knows, she might even like having a baby to dress up and carry around? You never know until you've tried it. Or maybe she'd get to know the surrogate, and they could become good friends...
I can definitely understand how she must feel, as nobody back then ever thinks it could be the male with the problem, so everyones eyes on her would feel like constant judgement :/ Sparron doesn't get it, maybe he needs to realise she needs a little release from the burden of expectation.

Epi said...

If they do it this way, I'd be interested to see how they handled the "birth".

Van said...

Joseph: Oh, they've known they weren't going to have a kid for a while. She'll be twenty-one in December and still hasn't had a period.

They'd both be so much happier in the modern age. They'd both be in relationships with people they can't have kids with anyway, which is just fine for at least Camaline. Sparron's main reason for not wanting kids is passing on the bad genes, but obviously that wouldn't be an issue if he was with Searle and they adopted one or two.

Not quite this plan specifically. But oh, there will be a plan :S

It was going to be fairly soon. 1180ish?

EkhoGirl: She could go ahead with it without telling him for a few months, but I think he'd notice if she started stuffing her dresses :P

Camaline doesn't like kids in general, but there are the rare few that grow on her. If she ended up really hating the whole baby thing, she could always hire a nanny.

Yeah, nobody ever thought it could be the guy :( In this case, it is Camaline and she knows it, but it's frustrating for her that everyone just assumes so (and for all we know, Sparron could have issues too, but given that his primary sex partners are Camaline and Searle it's a little tough to guess).

But yeah, he should probably tell everyone to back off :S

Epi: Oh, that would involve some pretty intricate planning, I'm sure... ;)

Epi said...

She is just lucky she is not in a more ancient society where in order for a nobleman (usually royalty but sometimes regular nobles) to have an acknowledged son, the birth had to be witnesses by other noblewomen.

Van said...

Oh yikes, yeah, that would have been awful. I think she could have persuaded Sparron to acknowledge the kid if the plan had already been put in motion anyway, but the noblewomen witnessing the birth? I think Leara would lie for her sister's sake, and maybe some of Severin's daughters on principle, but that's about it :S

Epi said...

Yeah - funnily enough, it was put in place for just such a scheme. To stop problems like having a daughter but switching it quickly for a newborn boy to provide "an heir" or to stop devious servants swapping their own children for the noble/prince.

Van said...

Heheh. Oh, the things patriarchal society does for their heirs :S

Anonymous said...

I had a long, well-thought out comment planned ... then Blogger wouldn't let me post the darn thing. So here is the short version.

1) Between Camaline's dislike of kids, Sparron's worry about passing on possible mental illness, and the fact that Sparron has two much-younger brothers, this is probably the "best" couple in Naroni that infertility could happen to. It's a pity Camaline still feels desperate to have a child.

2) Because of 1, Roderick and Laralita need to back off.

3) Despite 1 & 2, I look forward to the Great Naroni Baby Caper of 1177-1178!

(PS Thanks for taking the word verification thing off, Van. I can comment again!)

Van said...

No worries, and sorry about the issues earlier. I'm guessing it's a kink with the old Blogger system that they haven't thought to fix because everyone but me is on the new one :P

(Speaking of that, I should probably make the switch one of these days... but I really, really don't want to reformat the site just now.)

Yeah, all things considered, most couples in Naroni would probably take the infertility thing a lot harder. Still, Roderick and Laralita totally need to back off. You'd think if she (and Sparron and maybe Octavius, just with the times and all) didn't care, then nobody else would have to right to, but nooooo :S

The thing about a Great Baby Caper is that it could result in quite a few spin-offs... ;)

Penelope said...

Seriously though, is the pressure that great for Camaline to have kids that she would dick around with other people's lives in order to obtain a child that she doesn't even want? That her husband doesn't even want?

The Lunar Fox said...

The Great Naroni Baby Caper, lol. I'm interested to see where this story line goes as well. Poor Camaline. I think she actually cares too much about what other people think. Which is funny, because she sort of gives off the vibe that she wouldn't care, but she always has.

Van said...

Pen: It is Roderick pressure :S

I guess she could tell herself she'd be doing the girl a favor? Taking the baby off her hands, raising it in a noble household, paying the mother a buttload of money? Not that the mother would necessarily see it that way :S

Lunar: It is kind of funny, isn't it? A lot of the people I've known who seemed like they didn't care what other people thought ended up being the ones who cared the most.

Plus, given the times... well, she does have reason to be worried. Sparron's not about to send her off to a nunnery, but some other husbands might not have had any qualms about it.

There's also the thing with Roderick--not just the pressure but the fact that he's her father and despite it all, she does love him and doesn't want to disappoint him. She was his favorite growing up, too; I think she fears losing that spot :S

Keri said...

Yeah, I can see some issues coming up if they go through with this...almost like Moses' story in the bible...the real mother may show up some day and claim the child, or he'll find out and want to find his real parents.

Also, I was wondering since Searle has no qualms about liking girls if they could throw him into the mix and have him make a baby with some random girl...he is blonde after all? I don't think Sparron would have a problem raising Searle's son as his own. Plus the child would have noble blood...regardless of who the mother was. Just a thought....

Oh and I wanted to let the Naroni world know that I must have visited the sex lake recently because I'm expecting baby number 2 in September!!

Van said...

Yay! Congratulations, Keri! With the way time's been flying lately, September will be here before you know it. All my best to you and your husband and Wesley and here's to a happy, healthy baby :D

Interesting that you mention Searle here, really. And noble blood...

But yeah, Camaline's not really in a state to think up flawless plans just now. You'll see in a few posts that it's not going to get much better :S