January 9, 2012

In Which Celina Passes the Luck Along

July 25, 1177

"There!" Celina brushed a hair off her daughter's shoulder and stepped back to admire the result. People often told her how much Rona resembled her, but she'd never seen it; Rona was far prettier than Celina had ever been, even if she had resolved not to smile until hell froze over. "You look beautiful, darling. I only wish your father could see you now."

"My father wouldn't have to." Rona pouted as she wound a curl around her finger and released, only to bat it to the side as it tried to bounce back into place. "I doubt my father would have seen fit to offer me as a trophy wife in the most literal sense in the term."

Celina swallowed. In all honesty, Rona was likely right, as Dalston probably would have jumped at King Oswald's prior offer and whisked Rona off to Dovia for young Prince Cambrin. All in all, however, he'd been a good man and Rona had been very young when he'd died, so she chose to let her daughter keep her illusions; it wasn't as if Dalston could defend himself from six feet beneath the surface. "Yes, well... maybe don't think of it that way. Think of it as a screening process; any man worthy of a glance from you must prove himself first."

"Yes, and since I clearly don't inspire the usual courtship rituals, my brother has made me part of a prize package alongside a knighthood and a castle and a purse that could probably feed the whole kingdom."

Not once could Celina recall any of her children being so snippy with her, but Rona sounded so hopeless that it was difficult to take offense. Poor thing. She had yet to learn that not everyone was a bold champion and assumed herself undesirable based on sheer lack of grand gesture; in later years, she might look back and consider that careful discretion and frequent little niceties were the admiration of the shy and hopelessly lovestruck. That was a lesson of the sort that just snuck up on you one day, a few years and a couple babies later--or so it had been for Celina herself.

"Can't we just doll up Electra and offer her instead? Then at least I could find a halfway competent maid to help me die alone."

Celina shook her head. She could recall something like that from one of Rona's old bedtime stories; it might have been a cute idea if not for the bitterness in her voice. "You can't ask that of Electra, dear. I doubt she'd go along with such a scheme."

Rona sniffed. "Aspen would have."

Oh dear. Celina untied the old key and chain from her belt and balled her fist around it, the rusty teeth gnawing at the flesh of her palm. When the Good Lord had created adolescents, He ought to have written an instruction manual. "Oh honey, you're not still punishing your brother for that, are you?"

Scowling, Rona tugged at her sleeve so hard that Celina feared it would rip. "I will never stop punishing him for that."

And how did one respond to such a claim? Celina had never had such close friends at Rona's age, but by sixteen, most did find their families tiresome. It was another stance of youthful passion for which there was no answer and all Celina could do was flounder in the finality. "I have something for you."

She gestured for her Rona to hold out her hand and passed along the key. Her daughter only stared at it, somewhat less than impressed. "What's it for?"

"Technically? I believe an old storage cupboard at the castle in Dovia." She finished the joke with a smile, but Rona was unamused. "But that's irrelevant. You see, my mother found that somewhere when she was a girl, and later that day she met my father. Some years later, he was riding in some tournament and she gave it to him as a good luck charm." She had to pause and glance upward, just in case one of them was listening. All these years later and the story still left her wistful. "My Uncle Farilon said he never saw a man joust so well."

"Oh." Rona took to fiddling with the chain, expression bitter and unmoved. So much for her spirits could be lifted with mere sentiment. "Well, I doubt all the luck in the world would serve me well at this point, but thank you anyway."

It was perhaps the least heartfelt bit of gratitude Celina had ever received, but she took it anyway. Given recent days and weeks and months, it was a relief to be told 'thank you' at all. "You could wear it around your neck, but I don't think it will go with that dress."

Her daughter shrugged. "It's fine. I can just hold onto it."

"I'd be honored if you did." Mindful of Rona's meticulous hair, Celina leaned forward for a quick kiss on the brow. People were probably taking their seats right about now and they'd have to hurry down as well, but she did have one last bit of private reassurance that might have been worth the shot. "And remember: no matter who wins, your brother knows better than to marry you off to anyone objectionable."

Rona sighed. "It's not becoming of a duke to break his word."

"Perhaps, but it's also not becoming of a son to disregard his mother." A sly grin tugging at her lips, Celina silenced her daughter with a quick tap on the nose. "And while I hope it can't be guessed by looking at me, Lorn's been a son twice as long as he's been a duke."



Van said...

And so begins tournament day. This is the first of eight posts scheduled for the 25th, and that's only if I don't add any more at the last minute :S

Also, since I'm still behind on all my other outlines but I have Naroni planned through the end of 1177... would anyone object if I did just a straight run of Naronis throughout the tournament? I doubt my other blogs are getting much traffic anyway (no doubt due to my ridiculous lack of recent posts).

Of course, if anyone wants to jab my butt back into gear on those fronts, that's all well and good too.

Ann said...

Awww, poor Rona! She must feel terrible! But I'm holding out hope that there'll be a happy ending to this tournament!

As for a straight run of Naroni updates for as long as the tournament lasts: Do you even have to ask? ;)
I'm pretty sure we all want to know desperately what will happen to Rona (and Aspen). ^^
In any case, there's definitely no objection from me!

(Though I would like some OU some time afterwards if that fits in with your plans. I just miss it...)

Great job as always!

Anonymous said...

I think Celina has a good idea of what's going on right now, and that key is so sweet with its own little storyline, does Rona get to meet the contestants before they compete? Maybe once she meets Aspen she will realise there is always something to hope for.
I can't wait for the next post(s)!! :D

S.B. said...

I know I'm behind but I'm catching up.

I love, LOVE the line about offering her as a package. That's so extremely sad. And yes, maybe once she meets Aspen, Rona will find something, some way, to rearrange all this into an emotional format that doesn't look so bleak.

This might be off topic, but I watched Game of Thrones (the whole thing) yesterday. Your work reminds me of it, only yours is much much better. The characters are believable. The strange supernatural aspects make sense instead of leaving me scratching my head wondering WTF is that all about. If your world had been around for 8000 years, someone would probably have invented a better weapon than a sword. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that.

Van said...

Ann: A happy ending isn't impossible at this point... well, at least as close to an "ending" as any Naroni storyline ever gets :P

All right, one vote for a run of Naronis. And I'm pretty sure I know what the next OU update will be now, so if not this Wednesday due to the Tournament Spree, then hopefully the next :)

Thanks! :D

EkhoGirl: Celina always did have a good head on her shoulders, even back when she was young and insecure. And grouchy as Rona might be right now, she probably still appreciates the key story more than her brothers or Xeta would.

It's funny you should mention Rona meeting the contestants before the start, because I was just about to fire up the game... ;)

Beth: No worries. Take as much time as you need :)

That... that might just be the most awesome compliment I've ever received. I don't know if I'll be able to stop smiling today now that I've read that. I can't honestly say I agree, but I'm beyond flattered. Thank you! :D

Anonymous said...

I'm also for a string of Naronis! I want to know how Aspen is going to win! ;)

... Although now that I've said that, I doubt s/he will, solely because I've said it.

But yeah, I don't blame Rona for still being upset. She's got every reason for it. Even if Dalston would have been a little more ... traditional, I think being sent to marry a prince might be a little less humiliating than being, well, a trophy wife. Literally, as she so well puts it.

The key was adorable, though, and I'm glad Celina was able to make her feel a little better. :)

Van said...

That's good, because I've already got the pictures taken XD

I might be a bit biased here, but I'll tell you right now that it's not so much the tournament that has me excited, but what happens after... ;)

Yeah, at least Dalston would have probably prepped her for it. And actually, he might have sent Xeta off to Dovia too (since he probably would've promised her off before she could get knocked up by Jadin), so maybe they would have at least had each other. That and, you know, he's a prince (even if he'd have to kill off quite a few brothers before he could be king).

We haven't seen the last of the key ;)