January 14, 2012

In Which Landus Hears a Not-Impossible Theory

July 25, 1177

Landus knew he ought to have been helping his brother, but Neilor probably needed the time to himself. Not that he would have taken out his disappointment on Landus--after a decade of being each other's only ally in a quietly hostile household, that wasn't much of a concern--but the moment alone would give him a chance to recompose. After all, Neilor hadn't just lost a little money and a pretty girl. He'd miss the pride a lot more.

But at least Neilor had made the top ten; they would be staying in Naroni, and while Neilor had aspired to more it was all Landus needed. They would leave briefly to take his sister Catherelle back for her wedding and after that Lord only knew when they'd have to see their mother again. He'd miss his father, of course... but then he remembered that his father was most likely not his father and it was probably best for the both of them if Landus was gone before people started talking about where they'd seen his face before.

Sorry, Papa...

"Mind if I sit?"

Landus pried himself up and looked. It was one of the spectators, a tall man who had been seated next to a pretty lady in what even a ten-year-old boy had to a call a princess dress. He must have been her husband. If he could land a woman that beautiful and afford to dress her that well, then Landus couldn't have stopped him from taking the seat if he wanted it. "Go ahead."

The man flashed a grin and strode forward. There was something about his prominent cleft chin that seemed familiar, though Landus couldn't quite place it. "You're Landus del Marinos, right?"

Landus frowned. "How do you know my name?"

"I used to know your mother."

Oh. That wasn't as surprising as it should have been. "A lot of people know my mother."

"She does have her connections." The man reclined against the step and glanced skyward. He must not have wanted to press the subject, which was just as well. "Your brother fought well."

"That's what I told him, but he didn't believe me."

"He will in time." He hoped the stranger was right. Neilor had proven himself a better fighter than fifty-eight other men and he'd only lost because his opponent had noticed his handicap and exploited it. There was no sense in being ashamed. Maybe just a little disappointed.

"Neilor says he doesn't think Ashe noticed it on his own. He thinks that knight with the scar told him when he sent Neilor off to talk to her ladyship." And given the conversation with her ladyship plus the loss of the fight, heaven help Sir Scarface if he ever ran into Neilor again.

"That would be one of my in-laws." The man shook his head, a hint of a smile on his face. "You know... maybe your brother will thank him in the long run. A man can enter a tournament and win a lady's hand, but not her heart. She could very well live the rest of her life resenting her status as her man's prize, and her man by extension. Your brother might not know it, but he may have dodged an arrow here."

Landus stared. He didn't known much about women if he knew anything at all, but it didn't not make sense. Maybe he'd introduce this man to Neilor at the banquet. "You think so?"

"I don't think it's impossible." The man reached over and ruffled Landus's hair, then stood. "Well, I'd better catch up with my wife. And you might want to get yourself cleaned up for the banquet; don't want to meet all the young ladies while you smell like your brother's horse now, do you?"



Van said...

Two more posts on July 25th after this, meaning that if I manage to post tomorrow, the tournament will end Monday (or early Tuesday morning) our time. And then Tuesday is normally a Naroni day anyway, so there will be a post then as well.

After that, however, it's time to buckle down and kick myself back into gear with my other stories as well, starting with a new Orbis Umbra on Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD! FATHER-SON MOMENT! I love how Searle ruffled Landus's hair at the end. SO CUTE!

... Does Viridis know about this? I can't help but be afraid that there will be some jealousy if (when) she does. Not of Elarys -- not that the fact that another woman had a baby with Searle (when Viridis was probably like, 12 to boot), but that Searle has yet another child, and Viridis wants one so, so badly. Even if her heart is big enough to let Landus in, I don't know if having a close relationship with a ten-year-old stepson will fill that void.

Last but not least -- YAY!! ASHE WON!! *happy dance* Now he just has to win Rona's heart.

Van said...

We'll be seeing Viridis in the chapter after next, so we'll find out just how much she knows about any kids Searle might have then. But yeah, I don't think being the stepmom of a preteen is what she wants right now. She wants a baby.

Yes, Ashe won! But who knows, maybe the tournament was the easy part.

S.B. said...

this is one of the most perfect, totally perfect moments I've ever read. He knew his mother. Yes he did.

And Ashe won!!! Actually I'm feeling better about that than Tom Brady bringing the Tebow back to earth.

Van said...

Thanks Beth! :)

Definitely had to look up that reference XD I should really crawl up from under my rock every once in a while.

Penelope said...

Morgaine makes a good point about Viridis but I think if Viridis knew Elarys and knew that Landus was Searle's son, that would make things so much worse. Wanting a child and not being able to have one while some other (*cough* married*cough*) woman has given her husband a child AND that woman just happens to be the biggest **** in the universe... Awful. I feel like there was a lot of honesty that Searle owed Viridis before he married her. This was one Naroni couple that never felt like a happily ever after to me because Viridis is just so sheltered and young, while Searle has SO MUCH baggage.

Van said...

We'll see a bit more of the Searle/Viridis dynamic in the next post. She does know that he's at least a father--his daughter with Danthia isn't exactly a secret--but whether she knows about Landus or Searle's daughter with his sister hasn't come up yet. Whatever she does or doesn't know, though, it's probably a good thing she's never met Elarys :S

Penelope said...

I wonder if Elarys would be jealous of her. She seemed to have a strange sort of attachment to Searle.

Aside from that, time really flies. It's crazy to think that Landus is 10 already. :O

Van said...

That's a good question. She probably does miss her boy-toy...

Time does fly in Naroni, unless it's 1177. Actually, 1177 probably has nothing next to any given day in December 1085 in Lothere XD

Chene said...

Word that came out of my mouth:


Van said...

Heheh. XD