April 30, 2012

In Which Anna Is Granted a Look Beyond the Title

October 9, 1178

Anna had not taken on her job with the intention of becoming the princess's confidante. Not that she didn't like Mona--not even that they weren't friends, or at least that they wouldn't be if not for the employer and employee status--but she was never sure what to offer in regards to Mona's problems. She'd never had a perfect older sister or a stuck-up half-brother or any 'snot-nosed little siblings'. Her own parents had been loving and functional, and were each a few years dead besides. And it wasn't as if anyone would ever make her marry a king she'd never met, because she was only a servant. Anna's problems consisted of mild springtime allergies and running out of books to read and an inability to strike up a conversation with that handsome guard. There was no way she could relate.

"There's got to be some way out of this without entering a nunnery."

Mona had an odd habit of phrasing her questions as statements. A noble thing, probably--just one more hint that they didn't speak quite the same language. "Uh... you could join the bards next time they come around?"

"Yes, because my singing voice sounds nothing like a cat coughing up hairballs."

It didn't, but one of Mona's brothers had made that comment once and it must have stuck. "Well... if you marry King Adrius, at least you'll be away from your family, right? Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Not like this, though." Mona sighed. It wasn't really becoming of her, but the sentiment wasn't unfitting. "I would have been fine with marrying a noble and being a countess or a duchess or something, but I'm tired of being royalty. You're always on display and no one sees anything beyond your title. My own parents don't even know who I am as a person. I'm just Princess Ramona of Naroni, and soon I'll be Queen Ramona of Carvallon, and no one gives a damn about how Queen Ramona of Carvallon would rather wear her hair long or what her favorite kind of weather is or that she hates her full name. I'm practically a decoration."

Anna choked. If that was how Mona saw it, then it was an awful fate indeed. "Is that really how you feel about it?"

The princess shrugged, unprincesslike. "Why shouldn't it be? It's the truth. Did you know that you're the only person I can be myself around?"

She hadn't. It was such an alien thought but it wasn't without its logic. Everyone else saw Mona on display, dressed up and pretty and perfect alongside the rest of her self-proclaimed 'flawless' family. Anna was the only one who ever saw Mona at her most vulnerable--just before bed, in the bath, throwing up, what have you. Once, she'd had to hold Mona's dress up during a violent bout of the runs; after you'd seen a person in that sort of position, they had nothing more that was worth hiding.

"I... never thought of it that way."

Mona trudged to her bed and flopped down upon the mattress, blond hair and green eyes lost in the sea of purple and black. The purple was unavoidable, but the black had been Mona's choice. She'd always liked black. The family's actual secondary color was white. "The funny thing? I don't even know your last name."

"It's Shell."

After a good couple years of employment, she would have expected that Mona knew that. But it didn't matter much. At least more than one person did.



Van said...

The new Sim Haven prompt will have to wait until tomorrow. I have to work in the morning and I should really get to bed :S

Anonymous said...

Yikes. Poor Mona. :( How awful to feel so imprisoned.

But I still have hopes for her as Queen of Carvallon. There she might be able to be herself. And until that point ... well, why not try to stay with Leara for a while? Mona could use some normal people in her life. And I doubt Leara cares how Mona wears her hair.

Penelope said...

*rolls eyes* Oh woe is Mona. "It's so hard being me! I have to look pretty and prim all the time lest I be judged! But does anyone care about MY feelings? I mean my TRUE feelings?" *sniffle* What a brat.

Van said...

Morgaine: Who knows? Mona could be an excellent Queen of Carvallon; her personality might be just what Carvallon needs. A bit early to tell, though.

Alas, Mona will be out of Naroni before the end of the year, so it's a little late to be moving in with Leara. But hey, maybe Mona's little sister can reach the end of her rope one day and head over to Casa Lorn ;)

Pen: She's only fourteen, so she still has some growing up to do (and said growing up can only be hastened by getting away from Laralita). But while she might be going about it a little immaturely, I don't think it's too unreasonable to resent being seen more for role than for character.

Penelope said...

I forgot to mention how foxy Ashe looks in that tunic. *chicka bow-wow*

Van said...

That coat does suit him ;)

Anonymous said...

It's interesting how close servants can get to their masters, I mean, it's like Rona and Aspen, they both cared for one another regardless of 'embarrassments' that would otherwise send some people running. Mona is lucky she has someone to talk to, and I agree a little bit with Pen about Mona's 'poor me' attitude, but just recently overcoming that point in my life also makes it a little easier to understand. It's natural for a teen to be a little selfish, just like children are egotistical without meaning to simply because they haven't developed the consciousness to do otherwise. Plus there's the fact that Mona has no other experience, she doesn't know how lucky she is. All she is seeing is what she doesn't have, and it's understandable to yearn for a loving family she can be herself with. I mean, isn’t adolescence all about discovery of one’s own path? She’s starting to question her own existence, and she’s rebelling against the path she’s been melded for. I say good on her, even if she still has a lot to learn – at least she’s not conforming to other’s wishes in the hopes of being accepted, no, she wants to find her own path. Okay, I'm done rambling now :P

Van said...

It is an interesting dynamic. Funny you mention Rona and Aspen, because they're the only lady/maid pair we've ever seen much of. Mona and Anna might make for a good exploration of that sort of relationship without the romantic elements.

I think you've pretty much hit the nail on the head in regards to Mona's feelings. She still has a lot to learn about the world, but the sentiments are completely normal.