August 14, 1178
Ashe's eyes bulged and for the life of him Lonriad couldn't understand why. Whatever Deian had threatened to do to them didn't matter. They were knights. They'd sworn oaths to protect the kingdom, even at the cost of their own lives. Someone had to know about Deian, someone in a position to do something about it. Besides, they could always seek protection if necessary. Lonriad was no longer a child, but adult or not, he doubted his father would stand to see him baked in a pie.
But maybe that was the difference. Ashe wasn't much younger, but he didn't have a father--hadn't had one for years, if Deian had told the truth. No one had ever taught him how to be a man. "You're not seriously thinking about telling, are you?"
"Do we really have a choice?" His foot a little sore under the weight of his folded leg, Lonriad shifted, raising the offending knee. "Hell, one of his group burned down your village. You of all people should know what happens when he's allowed to run around unchecked. I mean, fuck--your family died."
"What, because of whatever happened to you?" Silence--even the breeze held its breath. Lonriad sighed. "Ashe, I'm a father. And you're going to be a father in a few months, so let me tell you something you're going to learn firsthand. If you really love your kid--hell, if you really love anyone--that sort of thing doesn't matter. It's just... it's a happening, like breaking a finger, or catching something from a prostitute. You deal with it, you move on, you keep on loving. Your father would tell you the same thing if he was here right now."
Ashe's fingers curled to his palm, knuckles pitch white and pronounced. "Don't talk to me like you knew my father!"
Lonriad flinched. Maybe that had been out of line. Didn't change much, though. "Right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have presumed."
His companion said nothing--just closed his eyes and sat there, trying to will himself out of existence. He reminded Lonriad of nothing more than a trapped animal who'd worn himself out struggling and had lost any fight he'd had in him. He didn't think he could stand it, the thought of ever seeing his own son like that. He would have taken on the whole world if it meant little Sevvie would never have to feel so lost.
Apple-green eyes opened, staring at him with the same ire and contempt they'd held a year and a half prior, on a snowy day, on another face. "Don't--"
"What happened?"
Ashe stood, glaring all the while. Not about to let up, Lonriad scrambled to his own feet. "What did he mean, when he said he'd change you back? What were you before? And why is it so important that Rona never knows?"
The other turned around, taking a few steps away from him. "I don't want to talk about it."
"You must want to talk about it." Lonriad lunged forth and grabbed Ashe by the arm, wheeling him back about. The anger in those green eyes remained, but it was a dying spark next to the pyre of fear that took over. He'd never seen such frightened eyes on an adult before. "How long have you been around? You must have been like this for at least a year now. And you've never talked to anyone about it? God, you must be half mad by now."
"I am not!" A couple of birds took off from a nearby tree. Ashe took a second to recompose. "I mean... it's none of your business. Just leave me alone."
An odd, strangled sound pushed past Ashe's lips. Lonriad could only describe it as a dry sob. "Just let it go."
"No." He grabbed hold of Ashe's biceps and locked eyes with him. The other pair blinked with an unnerving frequency, but Lonriad made a point to keep his own open. "What were you? Some hideous beggar with a hump and no teeth? A spider that used to perch on Rona's windowsill and watch her undress? Her goddamn chamber pot? I swear to God, I'll never tell anyone, just... just let me know what I can do."
This wasn't the end of it, but there a note of finality in Ashe's voice seemed to think otherwise. There was something familiar about it, that resolve, something uncanny. Sort of like the way his eyes lit and darkened like a sun-ward room on a cloudy day, the way his upper lip curled when he had nothing left to say. He had the reddest hair of anyone Lonriad knew but if the light hit it just right, strands of it gleamed near gold. He'd never seen anything quite like it before.
No, that wasn't quite true. He had seen hair like that, not long ago but a lifetime away, on a girl he'd known once upon a memory. A freckly, skinny little thing, long-lashed and full-lipped, not quite confident enough to be pretty but a sight to behold when her anger let her forget it. A girl he could have fought for but didn't, a girl he might have glanced once or twice afterwards but could have been his mind playing tricks, a girl who hadn't been seen or heard from in over a year.
He--she--whoever shoved him aside, too upset to respond, too embarrassed to flee. Lonriad reached out again, but a leather-clad arm batted away his outstretched hand. "What happened?"
The birds might have flown again if any had remained, but they were alone, Ashe moreso than Lonriad. "Just... forget it. Don't talk to me. And if you ever tell anyone, I swear to God, I'll make you wish Deian had killed you."
That was it. He just turned around and stormed off, not even sparing a second to spit on Lonriad's boot again.
Tomorrow is a major chore day because I leave on Friday and write an exam on Thursday. Bah. >:(
Ouch! Hm. Maybe Ashe will come around before he starts to go nuts but then again, maybe not. Crazy that the one person who would share his secret is Lonriad.
"It's just... it's a happening, like breaking a finger, or catching something from a prostitute." <-- Why am I not surprised that Part 2 of that response would come from Lonriad 2.0?
Oh, poor Ashe. :( Lonriad has a point, what happened to Aspen's fire? Is it because now he has so much to lose? It's easy to fight like hell when you have nothing to lose. But now Ashe has Rona, and the baby too. Losing that could very well break him.
Besides, changing your sex overnight has to have a lot of repercussions on your psyche. Real-world transgendered people have years of therapy before they get life-altering surgery. Ashe had a conversation with a Naron. Not exactly fair warning.
Also ... I know Deian said he'd change Ashe back, but can he? Or can he do it permanently? Somebody Iata called the "Great Mother" put the spell on that pond. Might she be more powerful than Deian? Hell, might she be able to crush Deian like the bug he is?
One can only hope, right?
I second Morganna and would like to add that the hormonal changes alone would have a huge impact on Ashpen's personality. Psychologically, he's gone through one or two changes. Hopefully, the rage is all that he's missing. :O
Pen: He might come around, but he just as easily might not. But he is certainly losing it :S
Yeah, Lonriad is probably the last person Ashe would have picked if someone put a sword to his neck and told him he had to tell one person. Possibly second-last only to Rona.
Morgaine: He is a Kemorin XD
That's probably a lot of it. Aspen had nothing to lose and Rona's happiness to gain. Ashe has a family that is not at its strongest point right now, with Rona in the middle of a difficult pregnancy plus the baby itself, which Ashe probably has mixed feelings about. I don't think things are going as he hoped and he doesn't want to jeopardize them any further by letting the cat out of the bag.
Definitely not fair warning, for sure. Iata didn't even hint at what might happen (although to be fair, she probably didn't know the specifics). And given that sex change operations weren't exactly around in the twelfth century, if Aspen ever had any feelings of "You know, I don't think I'm really a woman deep down", she couldn't realistically expect to do anything about them, so... yeaaah, definitely went in unprepared.
In any case, from what we've seen, Ashe is pretty indifferent of his sex. The need for secrecy and the complex Rona feelings aside, I doubt he'd care much either way. Still--probably would have been nice to have a chance to think it over.
Well... it might be worth recalling that Tavrin's mother used to be a man, and if Vron can perform gender benders, it's a pretty safe bet that Deian can. Still, given the phrasing and circumstantial evidence, Iata's "Great Mother" is probably more powerful. But who knows if she'll ever show up?
Pen: Oh, yeah, the hormones would be going insane. At least with a modern sex change they're (probably?) phased in over the course of a few years pre-surgery. What Ashe is going through physically and psychologically must be like menopause from hell :S
Why is it that Deian's voice sounds like the Spirit of Jazz in my head?
Oh man, I'm never going to be able to un-hear that now XD
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