March 24, 2012

In Which Iata Gives Notice

June 24, 1178

"There you are!"

Iata's brother turned around as she dashed toward him, stopping just short of his feet. She didn't ordinarily seek him out during the day, nor he her, nor either of their cousins either of them--Tavrin's bizarre fascination with the Dovans aside, they'd outgrown most of their base social needs--but she doubted he'd appreciate being kept out of the loop.

Or would he care? Not like he gave her much response beyond a shrug. "Yes, here I am. What do you want?"

The first question ever out of his mouth when she spoke to him, as always. It was likewise with Atala and Vyro, and probably every Dovan sister and brother for miles around. But the normalcy of it didn't make it any less rude. "You could ask me about my day."

"Fine. How has your day been?"

Iata rolled her eyes. "Never mind that."

"Then why would you have me ask?"

Next time, Atala would bring him the news--whether she liked it or not. "Just a notice for future, less pressing conversations."

Brows arched like inching caterpillars, Tavrin frowned. It wouldn't be the last Iata saw of those brows today, she was sure of it. "Pressing?"

"Well... arguably." Iata took a lock of hair between her fingers and twirled it about. Forget Atala; she should have sent their grandsire. "Just thought you ought to know that the elders are back."



Van said...

Bah. Sorry about the short, half-assed post :S

Ann said...

O.O Oh no!

Anonymous said...

OH NOO!!!!

This can't be good. (And by the way, the post was exactly the length it needed to be. ;))

Van said...

Guess we'll see... :S

Penelope said...

Dun, dun, DUN! But wait, why are they back?

There's something about Searle's pajamas that makes him look like an adult. :p

Van said...

Tavrin's musings about the possibility here (loooong forgotten post).

I think it's the chest hair. I never noticed Searle had chest hair until I was taking those shots. It's so much darker than his actual hair.

Then again, his dad isn't exactly bald in the chest region, so I guess it could have been expected XD