July 15, 1191
The eerie quiet had not been confined to the castle. No owls called from their perches, no wolves howled at the moon. Not even the chirp of a cricket or the rustle of the wind. The world was a frozen stillness, sound no exception.
"So we finally meet." That voice, in some unfathomable way, did not fit the criteria of sound. "Welcome home."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that the world has waited a long time for your line to return to this place." Her head didn't move, but her eyes met Morgan's. Violet, even in the night. "Do you know the significance of this forest?"
Hadn't Naroni been a no man's land? Morgan bit her lip--but let go when she caught sight of a second figure. Her husband's former ward. "Searle?"
"You... stopped time?"
"I bent it. For all the world but the two lines immune to such distortions: yours, and mine." The woman smiled--or smirked, more like. "But you didn't answer my question. What is the significance of this forest?"
Morgan shook her head. "I don't know."
"Not many do. The world is rough place--rougher once than it was now, if you believe it. Rogue angels wondered about, mercenaries of a false god while the true creator watched their chaos spread, helpless in a cage of stars. Their lies nearly drove humanity to the brink of extinction. Brother fought brother, friendships were squandered, strangers were judged. Women were vilified and men became monsters. We set the world aflame with our backstabbing and raping and killing, destroyed ourselves as thoroughly as we destroyed anyone else. We were pawns in a game of deities, but how easily we took to such vile paths was equal to knowing and willing terror. Had we succeeded in killing off our entire species, we would have been well served.
"But the caged creator could take no more. Still, the Master Architect of the Universe, Being of All Creatures, Man and Woman and Both and Neither, sits imprisoned at the origin of the universe, where all began and all will end--but the decay of the earth was enough for them to launch from their bars a single shard of star. Where do you think that shard landed?"
"Very good. Here, exactly where you stand now." The woman stepped closer--but still maintained a distance. "You're not the first to stand there. Another woman stood there, all those years ago. One of the a precious few decent people left on the planet. The blast of the shard engulfed her but she did not perish. A wave of calm tamed the beast of a world--not permanently, but just long enough. The magic of the shard took root in this forest and this land became the fountain from which all the magic of the planet springs. The descendents of the angels were drawn to this place, though their numbers dwindled in the absence of chaos."
Absence of chaos? "This is the most chaotic place I've ever lived!"
"It is chaotic by the laws of man. By the laws of nature, it is man who is chaotic, and this land bends for no man. That was why only the Nephilim dwelt here until recently. Humanity could only dwell here under the rule of one who defies corruption--someone who is more nature than man."
"You can't mean King Roderick. Or King Ietrin."
"No. I mean your father-in-law. It's hardly a secret who's really been pulling the strings all these years--though perhaps that will change, if the royal line manages to produce someone worthy." If she had any belief as to whether or not that would happen, her face didn't say. "But the magic has been waning for many years now. When the shard struck that woman--your ancestor--pieces of it vanished within her, tucked away in her blood. Your blood. Your son's blood.
"That is why you exist. The bloodline of your ancestor had dwindled until only your biological mother remained, and she was a sickly virgin dying in a convent. Had I not called in some favors from some otherworldly friends, you never would have been born, and it would have only been a matter of time before we once again plunged ourselves into darkness."
She thought she followed--logically. But, logically... what? "I don't know if I quite understand. Who are you?"
In her arms, Kay squirmed. For his sake, Morgan tried. "Yes."
So... Elarys is the closest thing Naroni has to a Big Good. That must be the closet thing this story has to a twist. o_O
I can't believe the disorganization that went into my planning of 1191, putting this post right ahead of next post. This post was tough to write because of all the lore/exposition. Next post will be even tougher to write for much, much worse reasons.
But, in happier news, Flames in Round Two! :D
Oh, limpid heaven's blue in a coconut shell!! O.O
THIS I did not expect!
Well, well, well! I kinda figured that without Severin holding it together Roderick's little kingdom wouldn't have made it very far, but DAMN! I had no idea it was that... literal!
Well, no wonder Elarys is pleased! Not only did Morgan marry into the family that will keep her and her descendants rooted there, but I rather think Elarys is looking at the famous Kemorin fertility and being very, very grateful for that narrow escape with Morgan's birth and hoping it will never again come to such a pass.
I wish Elarys would have gone into more detail, especially about the relationship between her own line and Morgan's, but I guess that would be asking for too much. ^^ Morgan probably has more than enough to sort out with what she's been told so far.
Very interesting about the Nephilim, though. I guess that's why Deian had such a thing for Severin, huh? Hard to think of them as angels, but after Dantalion I shouldn't be so surprised, I guess...
"someone who is more nature than man"
Does that only apply to Severin, I wonder? Or all cambions? If so Lucien should hear that... So much for being unnatural and all that...
You've given me a lot to think about with this post. Thanks! ^.^
...I'm not sure if Elarys being the Big Good of the story is all that reassuring to me. O.o'
I think we're screwed.
Or maybe it reminds me a bit too much on how Delphine's quest in Skyrim played out. ._.'
Ann: Yep! Elarys could not have planned a better match for Morgan. Lonriad is a son of a family that is both likely to be in Naroni forever and extremely fertile. Morgan rolled up a pregnancy for 1192, so it's certain that Kay won't be her only biological child--and even if it wasn't, Kay rolled a lifespan that will give him ample opportunity to reproduce.
Yeah, Morgan might have gone into information overload already. Though I wouldn't rule out the possibility of the citizens of Readerland finding out how Elarys's family got tied up in all of this eventually.
Heheh... the "Deian is an angel" thing was one of those little possibility that presented itself at the last minute my reaction was to shrug, admit it made sense, and say "Sure, why not?" XD
There's an extant to which what makes Severin special is simply being Severin. But the less-than-usual parentage doesn't hurt. I think a chat with Elarys could do Lucien a world of good, since clearly she is pro-cambion and with good reason.
Glad you enjoyed! :)
Mimus: It is a scary thought, isn't it? o_O True, unambiguous "good guys" are so few and far between.
Huh. I hadn't quite thought of that. It's been a while since I played the main quest in Skyrim (mainly been focusing on becoming a thane everywhere, though bugs are delaying that process in Riften and Morthal).
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