March 28, 1194
The woman sniffed. "I don't have time for your mind games."
"Who said anything about games?" Humans. How had they not yet figured out that life was just one giant mind game? "Now, what sort of a problem could a pretty, wealthy woman such as yourself have that she would risk coming to see me for a solution?"
Huh. Good to hear that the humans weren't limiting themselves to the opposite sex any more. "Are you sure?"
The woman nodded. "She's too considerate to say it outright, but every time the topic of anyone's baby comes up... well, I can tell. I told her I wouldn't mind if she took a man to bed, just for the sake of a baby, but she wouldn't hear of it. She said she'd never do that to me."
"Ugh, no." The woman sneered, disgusted. "I don't much care for men as sexual partners."
"I see." Then for all he knew, perhaps her wife shared similar sentiments. That put making another Ashe Torgleid out of her out of the question. "Well, there's just one thing I can do for you, then."
"And that would be...?"
"What?" The woman squinted. She hadn't noticed anything--not yet.
Three... two...
Her eyes widened, no doubt at the first sense of something amiss. One hand flew to the folds of her cloak and reached. "What the hell?
That sort of outburst had likely frightened her human peers into submission in the past. Deian snorted. "Now, now--it's only temporary. Your anatomy will revert back to its usual state after a couple of months. I'm sure you'll be able to get the job done before then."
Deian methods versus Ylwa methods.
At least it's temporary?
Yep! Still not what Camaline bargained for, though.
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