December 6, 1192
She sat down on the bed--her bed, she had to assert in her mind--and wiped a couple of specks off her skirt. Bread crumbs. Not something one wanted to see on a new dress, even if it wasn't technically new. She'd had one of her day gowns altered in the style her Aunt Riona had donned at the masque some years back, much more splendid than it had been; even if she wasn't Lady Ravenhold yet, it wouldn't do to man this castle looking like a steward's daughter.
Perhaps she and her mother had averaged in the marriage department. In the world's eyes, her mother had married beneath her, while Alina would marry above her status.
And hadn't her aunt fared well enough, once the scandal of a lady's maid wedding a lord had died down? Nora Wythleit had been born a peasant, lower than Alina had ever been. She was now a great lady.
But Alina's brain could rationalize all it wanted. Her gut remained in knots.
She'd have to make the most of Kaldar's remaining time at the university. She'd have to prove herself, if only to herself. She'd have to pick up the reins of this young stallion of a shire and break it, train it up to a suitable standard so Kaldar didn't graduate to find a mess. He trusted her to do that, and she couldn't bear the thought of letting him down.
Alina's actually been wearing that dress since she aged up, but since we haven't seen her in all that time, let's just say she upgraded from something plainer. ;)
The fancy dress looks good on her! It manages to look a bit Sadiel, Kemorin, and Ravenhold all at once.
And yet, the Wythleit is strong with this one. She reminds me of Nora a bit by feeling not at home in her position. While Nora is undoubtedly a great lady, but I have a feeling she would find that description amusing. Alina's description of ruling Ravenhold in Kaldar's stead is a a little surprising. I hope she doesn't bite off more than she can chew to start. She will undoubtedly be a great lady someday.
That GoS color scheme is very useful for many of my families. :)
Alina is not unlike her aunt (who has become a great lady, but absolutely would not describe herself as one). But, she's also not unlike her mother, so her capacity for chewing is a bit more than most people's. She'll get there eventually.
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