April 19, 2013

In Which Riona Keeps Pushing

August 13, 1181

"How the hell are you so tense?" Riona's fingertips met the opposition of yet another stubborn muscle. She'd thought Isidro had been more or less all right today--joking with Lonriad during the ride, indulging them all with a stop at a small market, picking out little trinkets for the children and wondering aloud what each would do with their present--but upon reconsideration, he'd shown signs of trying too hard. "God, Izzy, this is bad even for you."

"Sorry." As if he had a damn thing to be sorry for! His uncle had been right about him being too quick to apologize. "I don't know. I'm still not keen on this trip."

"Well, your uncle seemed nice, at least--a little otherworldly, but nice." She kissed him on the shoulder; her lips seemed to have more of an effect than her hands, but that wasn't saying much. "And even if your grandfather turns out to be a complete ass, he's a bedridden geezer! We'd need to strap you to the wall to make it a fair fight, and you'd still win."

"It's not a fight I'm worried about." He took her hand for a second and squeezed it, but quickly let go, favoring a slow retreat to the bed. "It's... you know. Everything else."

"I know." And while she couldn't relate, she could understand. For years, all he'd known about these people was that they couldn't be bothered to acknowledge him and his mother, and now out of the blue, his grandfather wanted to meet him. He'd probably end up meeting his aunt and his older uncle as well, and their spouses and children, plus Imran's children.

And Imran himself, Riona recalled as she joined her husband, seemed to see right through him, which had to be unnerving. The night he'd been in Naroni, he'd taken Isidro up on the dinner invitation, and that had gone fairly well, or so Riona had thought until she'd returned to the sitting room after tucking in the children, just in time to catch an interesting slice of conversation.

So you had some sort of accident not long after your mother died? Imran had asked, and Isidro had nodded in response. Do you mind if I ask what happened?

Riding accident. Isidro hadn't taken his eyes off the hearth, though never was it lit in summer. My brother was killed. I broke my leg and messed up my face landing in some rocks.

Imran hadn't spoken for a minute or so after that; he'd only studied Isidro's face, contemplating every angle as he grew confident in his reply. I would not have guessed that that was the result of rocks.

Isidro hadn't said anything. Riona had just turned around to fetch another bottle of wine.

"Izzy?" She pulled herself toward the center of the bed. He likewise shuffled himself toward her, one arm catching her around the back.


"Just so you know, whatever happens with your family..." Maybe she shouldn't have started with that. But it had to be said. "Whatever happens, nothing's going to change between you and me, or with the kids, or with my family. You're ours now, and we love you."

"I know." He pulled himself out of his recline and kissed her, his lips barely touching and only for second, but lingering after they'd parted, as they always tended to do. "And thank you. I don't know where I'd be if you didn't keep rescuing me."

Of all the silly things to say. Riona looped her arms around his neck and lowered her back to the mattress, pulling him down with her. "I never rescued you once, stupid. I just give you the pushes you need to rescue yourself."

"Well, then." His fingers wove through her hair until they found that spot on her neck that never failed to spark her. "Thank you for pushing me."



Van said...

Early because there is stuff going on tonight that I completely forgot about until last night and yeaaaah.

(Also, I still need to pack! But at least everything is clean.)

Anyway--tomorrow, I start the process of moving back to my home province, which will be somewhat prolonged because it coincides with a few other things, so I may be somewhat scarce in my usual corners of the internet for the next week or so. I'll still have access, so I'll still check the Keep and most of my other usual haunts when I have a minute, and I'll probably have time to read and comment on other people's updates (even if I'm not necessarily prompt), but I won't be able to chat or anything like that.

I'm hoping to keep posting as usual, or at least close to "as usual", but I can't absolutely guarantee anything before the 26th.

Anonymous said...

Did I forget something about Izzy's injuries? Or was his uncle just referring to the fact that he knows just what kind of person Domingo is?

Anyway, I don't blame Izzy for being so uptight -- of course he's nervous and angry and unsure if this is the best idea. But I think, no matter what happens, he'll regret not going a lot more than he would ever regret going.

And hopefully Riona can help hold him together until it's all over. :)

Van said...

Izzy's injuries have been kept fairly vague. I think most people just assume he got the main scar in his accident and he finds it easier to let them think that.

Yeah, I think he's justified in his cocktail of negative emotions, but you're right. At least this way, he'll know.

And if anyone can hold Izzy together, it's Riona. ;)

Winter said...

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought they'd missed something with Izzy's injuries.

Poor Izzy. There has to be a reason they're reaching out to him now, but there's no trusting it's a good reason. I'll be pitying the family if it's not, to be honest, because Riona will probably summon a dragon and lay waste to them all.

Van said...

Honestly, I was kind of going with that myself until I came up with a better idea. :P

I won't say much about any reasoning beyond the grandfather's decline, but if their intentions are more harmful then good, I imagine there'll be hell to pay.

Sorry that this reply took so long. :S