August 18, 1181
Behind her, the bedsheets rustled. Rona must have shifted. "She's always been good. Darry's giving me more trouble. He never seems to want a nap any more."
"No, she wasn't." Rona wouldn't say any more, not even to muse how many more days would pass before Yvanette gave up waiting. She might not have even been thinking it. She had enough on her mind as it was. Some said that a mother's sole duty was to her children, but Celina had never agreed; how could one hope to be a halfway decent mother if she never took the time to sort out her own troubles?
Rona had a lot of troubles. Celina's first glimpse of Yvanette upon arriving had reminded her of nothing more than a young Rona, always with the brave smile, never truly at ease. Years later, those smiles had grown too much for her, so she'd dropped them, and it had only been recently that she'd found them again--for real this time, or so Celina had dared hope.
That hope had been premature.
"Mind if I join you?" No answer. As Rona's mother, Celina took that as permission to settle herself on the empty side of the bed.
Today, as it had the day before, her pretty face bore the marks of fatigue, the bags under her eyes and the redness they brought along. The recent and current stresses were all factors, but Celina also doubted that Rona had slept much since Ashe had left. Of her other nine children, not one had crawled into Celina's bed half as often as Rona had, even in their youngest years--and once Rona had grown older, more often than not Celina would find Aspen sleeping beside her during her routine checks, probably not by her own suggestion. Rona hated sleeping alone.
"I think you miss him too."
"Of course it is. You wouldn't miss him if it wasn't." Celina's frown lined as her daughter said nothing. For the past few days she'd tried to explain Rona's distance with her as a result of her having known who Ashe really was and not telling her, but she'd come to dismiss that theory; Rona would not have stood to hear it from her, if she'd even believed her. And with the exceptions of her children, she'd been just as distant with everyone else, if not moreso.
"I'm not sure I really believe what I thought any more." But she looped her finger through her laces and tugged, to the point where Celina was sure one would snap. "But I don't know if I believe him either. Even if I do, that's still a lot to accept."
"He's still the same person deep down, Rona."
Celina sighed. If the world ran purely on logic, Rona would have known that better than anyone. "The same reason we all do many things, dear. He was scared and confused."
"And now we're both scared and confused. Lot of help that did." What help did inaction ever do? But not everyone readied for action so quickly, nor was it wise to act before they did. If only timing could have respected that. "What should I do when he comes home?"
Unless by some miracle I manage to write and post tomorrow, next post won't be up until late Friday night/early Saturday morning. But it is supposed to be a Friday post, so I guess that's okay?
Every Celina post just reminds me how much I love Celina. Waaaah.
Rona's maturity is impressive in this chapter. She's really thinking about the relationship, very unlike how desperate she once was for someone, anyone, to love her. She's grown up, and it shows here. It was nice to see, and it gives me hope for them to get beyond this together, if Rona so chooses. (And I'll admit to hoping she does!)
Celina really is quite the lady, isn't she?
Rona is growing up, slowly but surely. She's realized that she doesn't want just anyone, and now she has to figure out whether Ashe (or Aspen, if she's still thinking of them as separate people) is really someone she can be happy with. It does take a certain amount of maturity to consider such things, a maturity that the Rona of yesteryear didn't have.
And you're right--that maturity will be crucial in getting past this, if that ultimately ends up being the case.
:( Yvanette.
I have to admit, I was veeery troubled by how Yvanette is reminding Celina of Rona. Who knows what caused Rona's self-esteem issues, but whatever it is, I hope history doesn't repeat itself with Yvanette. She definitely has love, parents who adore her, but ... so did Rona when she was little (and now that she's big).
I hope that Rona can sort herself out, and that she and Ashe can sort out their relationship. Ashe gave up a lot to be with her. And I still have some hope that, given Ashe's wish (as Lonriad pointed out), things can work out.
*fingers crossed*
Also -- WOW! The Captcha is much more legible than it usually is!
The poor kid. Young enough not to understand why Daddy went away, old enough to really feel that he's gone. :(
Yvanette's resemblance to Rona is troublesome. Rona has always been... well, troubled, even if she made more of an effort to hide it in her younger days, and Ashe isn't exactly Mr. Confidence either. As for whether or not Yvanette gets the self-esteem issues, I'm sure it'll be some time before that'll be seen, but there are other ways she could turn out like her mother that aren't necessarily positive.
Rona's still got a ways to go, but she's trying. She'll get there eventually, hopefully before Ashe gets home so they can get started on the relationship right away if she decides to give it a chance.
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