February 12, 2012

In Which Jadin Offers an Easy Fix

January 4, 1177

"...and so the old man looks up at him and says 'I built every bridge on this river with me own two hands, but they don't call me Searle the Bridge-Builder, do they? I've speared every whale that swims past me boat, but they don't call me Searle the Whaler, do they?' Then he takes a drink, looks up and laments 'But you fuck one goat...'"

The rest of the bar burst into a chorus of bawdy, half-drunken laughter, much to Jadin's delight. Even his brother of the same name had to stifle a snort. Even Ashe had to smile. Oh, Xeta's jokes never failed.

As they hysterics died down to scattered chuckles, Searle shot a pleading glance toward Sparron, who pretended not to notice--as did Jadin. He was getting a bit tired of this. One of these days he'd just have to tell Searle that he knew. Not today, though; no sense making a scene at his friend's bachelor party, even if it was just between him and his brother.

"Jadin, you know I love that joke as much as everyone else does, but would it kill you to use someone else's name for once?"

"Sorry bro--most common name in the country and whatnot." Jadin tipped back another sip of beer and winked at him. "Anyway, enough jokes." He slung one arm over Ashe's shoulder and raised his mug with the other. "To Ashe and Rona--may their daughters be as generously endowed as their mother, and may their sons be as prone to waking up in the sex pond surrounded by women's clothing as their father!"

"Here here," cheered Lonriad as anyone with a surviving drink took a swig.

Even Sparron chuckled. Across from him, Isidro glanced over to Jadin's table and frowned. "Ashe, do you mind telling us why your face matches your hair? Still trying to convince us all it wasn't what it looked like?"

Redder than ever, Ashe slumped onto the table, dragging Jadin's arm with him. "It really wasn't..."

"Then why don't you--hic!--share the details?" piped up Jadin's drunken stepbrother from beside Sparron, rendering Ashe's blush short-lived as a sickly white took over. Knowing Cuthron, he'd only tagged along for a glimpse of Seoth's pretty daughter--never mind the fact that her father would never let her work during a bachelor party--and now he was filling Eleara's void with liquor. Stupid kid.

Jadin reclaimed his arm and shook a finger at him. "Because they're so wonderfully insane that they'd blow your tiny little mind, that's why."

Bernardo snorted. "No, it's just because it was what it looked like. Not much else it could've been, is there?"

Back at the bar counter, Rona's brother Abrich shrugged. "Not from the sounds of it. That reminds me, though--Ashe, why did you tell my sister that you were a virgin?"


Casimiro gaped and Setran spat forth his last gulp of ale. A little bewildered, Jadin turned to the bridegroom and stared. He would've guessed Ashe to be the last man who would lie to his betrothed. "Why--?"

But Ashe--embarrassed, maybe a little angry--had focused on Abrich. "She told you?"

Lonriad squinted. "It's true?"

It couldn't have been... could it? This was a man he'd had to teach how to shave, after all. "Ashe?"

Ashe said nothing.

"Well." Bernardo picked a berry off the plate in front of him and popped it into his mouth. "Now I'm really wondering about what happened at the sex pond."

"Christ, enough about the sex pond." That was something Jadin had never thought he'd say. "Can't you see that we have a serious problem here?"

Ashe blinked. "We do?"

"Yes!" Some of the others looked a little confused too. Not that everyone could be an expert, of course, but he'd thought someone might have been able to back him up. Oh well. "Look, you're getting married tomorrow. You're going to have sex with Rona tomorrow. And she's never had sex either, so she'll be expecting that you know what you're doing--and don't say it's all right because she won't know the difference, because women talk.

"And guess who Rona will have been talking to? Her sister, plus Hilla and Riona. Now, Xeta's married to me and... well, I sure knew what I was doing the first time we fucked." Trying to avoid Ashe's scandalized look, he turned to Bernardo. "'Nardo, you're a handsome man; you had a lot of sex before you married Hilla, right?"

Bernardo nodded. "Sure did."

"And Riona's married to Izzy. Is? I realize that yours isn't the most fuckable face out there, but you slept with other girls before Riona, didn't you?"

"Whenever I could afford it."

"See?" He turned back to Ashe, who looked like he was fighting back some nausea. At least he got the gist of it. "Rona's been hearing all of that. Even if she knows you've never done that before, she'll still be expecting all of that."

Ashe swallowed and took to studying the scales of the fish in front of him. "I see."

Poor kid. No man should have looked so put-out on the eve of his wedding. Good thing this had an easy fix. "Seoth! One more round on me."

Nodding, the innkeeper gathered some fresh mugs as the guests exchanged excited smiles. Jadin took the collective moment of distraction as an opportunity to tug at Ashe's sleeve. "I have a plan."

His friend squinted. "What sort of plan?"

"A simple one. After we finish our drinks, I'm taking you to a brothel."

All he got for his trouble was a horrified stare. Most men would have given him a hug for that. Then again, there wasn't much a man could consistently expect from an oddball, and Ashe was about as strange as they came.

"Oh, you're one of those romantic types. Tell you what: we're still going, but you don't have to do anything. Just watch me pleasure the ladies and try to pick up as much as you can. And since we're going to be brothers, I'll even commentate for you. How does that sound?"

"Uh... thank you?"

He didn't sound convinced, but that hardly mattered. Whether Ashe knew it or not, he would be thanking him later.

"You're welcome. But the next time I ask about your home planet, I want some real answers."



Van said...

I think I am in love with the showHeadlines(off) cheat. Pity it doesn't work for heart-farting, though... although, that at least can be amusing. Apparently Sparron has the hots for Izzy XD

Ann said...

Oh I am DYING! XD *gasps for breath*

Getting Jadin's blow-by-blow commentary.... XD

I hope the preview picture doesn't mean Jadin has to confess that he caused Rona's affianced to die of embarrassment. XD Even Izzy as a second will not save him in that case!

Oh sims and their inappropriate longings! XD

Anonymous said...


Oh my goodness! Jadin cracks me up! He is awesome to have as a friend, as long as you can take the incessant teasing.

And Ashe really needs to get to that brothel. First time sex is hard enough without having to deal with a completely different set of sexual organs!

Van said...

Ann: If this was a contemporary story, Jadin would probably have a line of instructional videos XD

I'll assure you right now that Ashe is in the next post--alive ;)

Morgaine: For all the teasing, Jadin definitely doesn't do friendship halfway :)

Yeah, Ashe definitely needs to at least get a sense of what's going to go down, especially since Rona's never had sex either. At least if you lose your virginity to someone more experienced, you can let the other person do most of the work and take mental notes for the next time, but another virgin? Especially if you're the one who's expected to perform? :S

And yeah, never mind the completely different set of sex organs. I don't know who would have given Aspen "the talk", but certainly no one gave Ashe one :S

Penelope said...

Van, you mean to tell me that you have been doing this story all of this time with the headlines turned on?!?!?! More power to you. I've found that it is hit or miss with the heart farting though.


*wipes tear* Oh, I love him. He and Ashe make such a great pair too.

Interestingly, I think I could see Sparron crushing on Izzy. If Searle is any indication, Izzy is just about the opposite of Sparron's type but I could still imagine Sparron admiring someone with Izzy's personality from afar. This makes me wonder what a friendship between those two would be like. Sparron needs someone who can put up with his mood swings and I don't know whether Isidro would want to simply walk away or whip Sparron into shape.

Speaking of, what were those Searle glances of sadness all about?

Penelope said...

I forgot to mention how beautiful Rona looks in the preview. *SQUUUEEEEE!*

Van said...

Seeing as showHeadlines is not a base game cheat, it wasn't really an option until I installed the EPs. I did find out that changing a Sim's outfit with InSim--even if you changed it to what they were already wearing--would make the headlines disappear, though.

Knowing Jadin, he wanted to provide commentary XD

Well... Sparron and Izzy are both friends with Jadin, so they probably hang out from time to time. But yeah, I think Izzy would be a bit less permissive of Sparron's perpetual self-pity and self-loathing than someone like Jadin or Searle, although I'm not sure whether he'd stick around with a brand of tough love or just get out of Dodge. It would be interesting to see a post with just the two of them.

As for Searle, I think he wanted Sparron to protest Jadin's joke on his behalf, either to see if Sparron still felt something for him or to make sure they were still friends considering the whole baby caper thing. Whether Sparron passed or failed that test is dependent on the judge :S

Rona is one of those lightning strike Sims who inherited just the right combination of features from her parents. The rest of her siblings have at least one or two strange features from certain angles, but she grew up pretty damn well.

Penelope said...

Really? I didn't know that about InSim. I don't suppose they ever intended that feature.

Jadin just likes an audience no matter what he's doing. :D :D

Sparron and Izzy post! You have the power to make it so. I wonder what they would talk about.

Has Sparron ever come to Searle's rescue when he was being picked on?

Van said...

Yeah, I'm thinking that was just a happy accident :)

Jadin is a crowd pleaser, for sure. Always has been :D

What would they talk about? Besides Jadin, I guess. Maybe Sparron would mention something about some barmaid being hot and Izzy would roll his eyes and be all "Dude, I grew up with Casimiro."

I doubt that he has, but then again I wonder how often Searle gets picked on by someone who actually means harm. He is pretty well-liked.

Penelope said...

I would be disappointed in Sparron if he didn't stick up for Searle if/when someone actually meant Searle harm. Here though, it was just Jadin and I would have expected that reaction from Sparron.

Not that I don't often expect to be disappointed by Sparron. :\ I like him a lot but he can be pretty disappointing.

Van said...

If it ever comes up, I guess we'll have to see :S

But yeah, Searle and his siblings tease each other all the time. It's nothing anyone really reads into :P

Sparron does have his patterns :(

Penelope said...

Wait-- Why wasn't Lorne at this party? I meant to ask yesterday but was distracted by the idea of Sparron and Izzy being thrown into a situation together.

Van said...

Lorn would have gotten an invite, but I figured he probably wouldn't show. He still sees some of these guys on occasion, might even be friends with a few of them, but in general they've just grown apart. He had to grow up so much more quickly than many of the assembled; I doubt he's all that into boys' nights at the bar any more.

Verity said...

I've been rushing through trying to catch up so I haven't commented but I just HAD to here.

OMG that was hilarious. What a nice guy Jadin is! "I'll even commentate"

Sometimes Van you truly kill me. I almost spat porridge all over the computer screen :D

Van said...

Haha! A nice guy indeed. XD

Thanks, Verity! :D