February 4, 2012

In Which Florian Lets One Slip Past

October 15, 1177

Well it was about damn time.

"Jesus Christ, Camaline, where were you half an hour ago?" Baby Oswald's--for God's sake, who named a baby Oswald?--cries were still ringing in Florian's ears and they'd be back before the day was out, he was sure of it. The boy's parents had tried to lull him back to sleep, but as lovely as both voices were the kid just didn't know good music when it hit him.

No, the only singing Oswald liked was Camaline's. Exactly what the appeal of her shrill wailing was, Florian couldn't guess--but as long as it got the little tyke to shut up, he couldn't complain.

"You missed us, Florian?" she asked with a smile as her falsely-composed husband followed her inside.

Camaline, smiling. That wasn't a sight one saw every day. Hell, that wasn't a sight one saw any day. "Where the hell were you kids? Christ, that baby is so loud without you around that I'm shocked my ears aren't bleeding."

His edge apparent, Sparron pushed Camaline further in and shut the door behind them. "We were just out for a walk..."

Uh-huh. And he was the Holy Hashbat of the Sacred Order of Orchidsnail. "Long walk."

"Was it?" Camaline laughed. And Florian had thought the smiling was strange. "I didn't notice. Did you, honey?"

"No, seemed like a nice, normal walk to me."

Oh dear God. "You stopped to have kinky forest sex, didn't you?"

And to think--they would have been the least likely suspects, too.

He watched with a raised brow as the pair exchanged a bug-eyed glance, then...

"Well... looks like he caught us, Cammie." Sparron gave a nervous chuckle as his eyes flitted back to his wife, who just stood there with that strange grin frozen on her face. "See, I told you--nothing gets past Florian. Let's just go visit my baby brother now, shall we?"

He looped his arm around Camaline's waist and the two of them made their way to the door, their feet quickening with each step. After it had shut behind them, he could hear the pair running in the corridor.

Stupid kids with their forest sex. Didn't they know how easy it was to get twigs wedged in all the wrong places?



Van said...

Short... but hopefully a sufficient dose of Florian? It has been a while :S

Also--if anyone's up for a helping of angst, my entry for the SimHaven February Challenge falls into Naroni canon. That can be found here.

Joseph said...

Stupid kids with their forest sex. Didn't they know how easy it was to get twigs wedged in all the wrong places?

Oh and how would you know that, eh Florian? ;)

Just another pointless comment stating my love for Florian. You're right, it certainly has been a while.

Orilon said...

LOL, sounds like Florian knows from experience. Its definitely been awhile since we've seen him.

The forest comment made me wonder about other ways that Camaline actually could have children that wouldn't endanger Lettie. I'm sorry "I won't be daddy's favorite anymore" is not a valid reason to put someone else's life in danger to have a baby.

(I never did like Camaline, and I like her even less now.)

Anonymous said...

I think they already have put Lettie's life in danger to have that baby ... but who knows what might happen beyond that? Hopefully everybody will be ok.

And FLORIAN!! Tee hee, it was worth it to get inside his head again. (Of course, I can say that because I am not Lettie.) The Holy Hashbat of the Sacred Order of Orchidsnail ... *giggle*

And the stupid kids with their forest sex. *snicker*

Oh, Florian, how we miss you when you're not right in front of our faces! ;)

Penelope said...

How was that not an emotionally confusing experience for Sparron and Searle? Or even for Lettie. (It's kind of hard to know how she feels about her husband being in love with someone else since it hasn't really been explored from the time she knowingly walked into the marriage but surely whatever she wasn't feeling at the time has changed after falling in love with Searle herself and raising his children.) I kind of have to throw my hands up in the air at these four. Whatever befalls them from here on out is 100% upon their own heads if Lettie gets pregnant. And I don't see how nothing could happen if Lettie gets pregnant. There are waaayyyy too many variables.

Van said...

Joseph: It does sound like the sort of thing Florian would just happen to know XD

Thanks Joseph. And no non-spam comment is pointless :)

Orilon: He does seem to know what he's talking about, doesn't he? ;)

Hmm. I wonder if she's considered Tavrin and Co. She doesn't really hang around with anyone who's in with the forest people; she's probably just heard of Tavrin through Leara through Raia, and she's a bit sceptical as it is. And knowing Roderick, I doubt his daughters were ever told all the details about the whole Deian fiasco :S

Morgaine: That seems like a reasonable guess :S

I was thinking that maybe the Holy Hashbat was something one of his kids made up during play. Then again, it's funnier if it's not XD

Pen: Well... Searle and Lettie aren't in the post, so who knows what they're feeling right now. As for Sparron, he's used to keeping pretty stoic when he's not alone with a few select people, and Florian seemed to note a bit of weirdness over there anyway.

We'll see a bit more whenever we get one of their POVs. I haven't outlined past February '78 yet (February kind of explodes on another front), but I know for a fact that there's a Lettie POV coming up and it's just her and Sparron in the post. Should shed some light on a few things.

But yeah, it's definitely on their own heads. They can blame Roderick and Laralita and whoever else all they want, but ultimately... Roderick and Laralita didn't come up with the idea, nor did they decide to go along with it.

And yeah, even if it's the smoothest pregnancy and birth ever, there's still the emotional aftermath :S

Anonymous said...


Love to see these guys smiling, looks like things are going to work out for them? Hopefully things stay this way!

Van said...


I don't think they're smiling so much because they're happy as they are anxious... :S