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October 16, 1176
It was a little early to be turning in, but this had been the longest day of Cord's life and he wished it would just end already. His work was done and done again and every attempt to talk to Riala had been met with a silencing glare or her storming out of the room. Dinner had been an icy affair; they'd sat at opposite ends of the table, never saying a word, not even locking eyes. He'd tried a few times, but every time he'd looked up she'd been looking down, nudging her food with her fork but never eating it, finally leaving her plate on the floor for the dog and retiring before the sun had begun to set.
He wasn't sure if she was asleep. He thought he could see her eyes flickering, but it might have been wishful thinking. Knowing his luck, she'd sleep through the night while he spent most of it envying her that, and then he'd wake in an empty bed and this day would stretch to the next. Lord only knew how long that could go on.
How could he have been so stupid? He'd gotten her into this mess. She'd had even less say in the matter than he had, yet she'd never complained, not once. She'd tried to make the best of it and in a matter of minutes he'd ripped those efforts to shreds. And why? Some comments from his idiot drinking buddies? Men who had laughed at his misfortunes while Riala strained to hold him together?
And this was how he repaid her. He'd be lucky if she ever spoke to him again.
And yet, he doubted he could go on without hearing her voice. "Riala?"
She shrunk away beneath the blankets, folding into herself as if to disappear. Maybe he should have gone to the spare room. He hoped she wouldn't get up and do that herself. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."
She rolled onto her side and glanced over her shoulder, her eyes a glimpse of day in the middle of the night, a damp rawness to her face as if she'd been crying. Ah, who was he kidding? She had been. "I know you wouldn't do that."
Her lip quivered, but not to make way for any word. His guilt had been eating at him all day and now her silence was a death blow. "Riala? Riala, please say something. Anything..."
Butterfly lashes fluttered over the blue, but other than that she was still. He heard a swallowed sob lodge itself in her throat as her hesitant mouth eased open. "I'm pregnant."
Cord edged a little closer and draped his arm over her waist. It wasn't much--just a gesture, just an action, maybe just a bit of selfishness on his part, a need to feel the firmness of his child within her--but it was a start. He had a lot of atoning to do and he had to start somewhere.
Homework :(
Van, you're an updating machine. :o
I thought it might have been that she was pregnant. I wonder would he have asked her if she was cheating had he listened to her first instead of being a jerk.
I'm procrastinating school stuff :P
I wonder what would have happened if he'd let her share her news first. On one hand he might have eased off but on the other he might have questioned the baby's paternity. I guess we'll never know :S
(Psst... if you're ever curious about who's pregnant at any given time, just go to the Search function on the family tree--under the People tab--then click Advanced Search and type "Pregnancy:" into Notes. Just make sure you include the colon.)
I was going to leave a comment about if she had told him first, he probably would have made a dumb comment about "who's baby is it?" since he was in the "she's sleeping with every man I know and don't know" mind frame.
Double standards. He likes the fact that she sleeps with everyone before they're married, but when she gets caught because on him he turns on her. Make up your mind Cord.
Yes. That's all I can say...
Orilon: Yeah, in the frame of mind he was in before, it's not unlikely that he would have asked :S
Oh, the double standards are everywhere. At least he's had them pointed out now, but still :(
EkhoGirl: Heheh :P
Yeah, she had every reason to be furious with him. But you know what? I think Cord needed that kick to the head. Maybe this time he'll start to think a little bitter.
And yay, a baby! There's already a Halford, right? Ooh -- what about a Falidor, if it's a boy? If it's a girl, well, Arydath, even if I think Riala should get first naming rights after Cord screwed this up. But I don't think Naroni needs another Ailede.
Rambling comment is rambling.
Er, think a little better, not bitter ...
Proofreading. I should do more of it.
Yeah, in the long run, it's probably better that she got the chance to set him straight right away.
Yep. Halford ("Hal") is Had and Lyraina's son, Cord's nephew. And yeah, I'm thinking Falidor for a boy or Arydath for a girl. If any of Ailede's children ever have a daughter named Ailede, they'll be sure to at least shorten it ;)
Heheh... oh, you would not believe the absolutely braindead errors I catch while reading over my old (or new!) posts :S
Probably a good thing that she said this last so it can perhaps help them reconcile, rather than Cord being a dumby and questioning whether he is the father.
Yeah, that probably worked out well-ish :S
Cord deserves the ice. Riala will make herself even more miserable if it goes on and on, though.
Yeah, I think he would have given her some snark about 'whose baby is it' if she'd told him first. A sad mess.
He does deserve it, but you're right; she can't go on like that without making herself miserable.
At least the one ugly incident seems to have cleared the air. Now hopefully he can just keep from some relapse of stupidity.
That's a lot to ask of Cord. :p
Well, hopefully the next relapse of stupidity is a blessing in disguise like accidental arson.
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