February 5, 1174
There was, however, one complication--Nanalie.
"I take it Asalaye slept in again?"
"She did."
"And you didn't."
Cord had nothing against Nanalie as a person. She was probably nice enough, and possibly even intelligent... but she was just so damn dull. And whenever he came to call on Asalaye--and whenever she'd slept in--it figured that Nanalie was always the one around to keep him occupied while his sweetheart scrambled to get ready.
"Uh, so..." Cord began with uncertainty, more for the sake of filling the gap than anything else, "is that a new dress?"
It wasn't, and he knew it--and he knew she knew he knew it. "No. Why?"
Damn. "Uh... you look nice today?"
None of your nonsense... it was probably her favorite phrase. Cord liked the no-nonsense type--Asalaye herself was one of them, or so he'd always thought--but Nanalie took it too far. Everything was nonsense to her--everything. "It's not--"
"It is." Her tone was blunt and final. He couldn't argue even if he cared to; it just wasn't worth it.
He splashed his way through the resulting quiet and grasped at the shuffling sounds from the loft. He heard footsteps, the rustle of clothing, the creaking of drawers as they opened and shut, but they were never enough. His own thoughts became audible. Hurry up, Asalaye. Hurry up, hurry up...
She didn't. Meanwhile, her sister was eyeing him with a strange sort of scrutiny. If he hadn't been uncomfortable before, he was now.
Oh how the exposition burns :(
But this had to happen at some point, so I figured better sooner rather than later. That this was my first day back at work, and this was an easy post to write, so that worked out well.
A bit of news:
1) I'll probably be a little late with IFV Chapter Eighty. Actually writing the chapter will be no problem, but I have to choose between a few possible Eighty-Ones before I can get a preview pic.
2) I've been trying to keep quiet about this since it seems that politics has become something of a hot-button topic in the Sims community, but today (May 2nd) is election day in Canada. Any other Canadians who might be reading this, please take some time out of your day to vote. Our system is far from perfect--I'm not a fan of partisan politics in general, and don't even get me started on first-past-the-post--but there are millions of people in less fortunate countries who would give anything for the tiniest bit of say in how their country is run, and it seems a shame to throw such a privilege away.
3) After some intense consideration, I've decided to designate Thursdays as novel-writing days. So... don't expect any Thursday posts from me unless maybe I'm blocked on the novel. Sorry, but I just feel as though I'm not giving it the time it needs and some circumstances might require me to attempt to monetize sooner than I'd anticipated.
That was ... interesting. Very interesting. Amazing how awkward they are together.
Although I have to wonder, is Nanalie going to be Cord's consolation prize if Lorn ends up with Asalaye? If so ... she doesn't seem like much consolation, not yet ...
I want to find out more about Nanalie. She's such a cipher. :)
And what's wrong with Florian and Thetis??
Yeah, those two are totally going to hook u--
And now back to the chapter:
Yeah, I'm a Lornalaye shipper. Cord needs to up his game. Although, I have a feeling that the boring sister will somehow turn out to be not so boring after all.
Morgaine: Oh, they're certainly awkward :S
Nanalie is closer in age to Cord than Asalaye is, and she probably seems like she'll make more of the sort of wife he'll be looking for, but... I don't know. They'd have to grow into each other, and I can't imagine either is all that keen on growing in general.
As for Florian and Thetis... you'll see soon? ;)
Pen: Cord tries pretty hard with Asalaye, but he's just not what she wants (even though she seems to think he is). But one of these days, he'll realize that she's probably not what he wants either.
And yet, I'm not sure that Nanalie is what he does want. These two will interact again, though...
Sorry about the late responses :S
Happy election day Canada! I have no idea how Canada is run, all I know is that apparently the healthcare is better there. I live in Nebraska, USA....so right smack dab in the middle of the US, you know where the cowboys and indians still roam....
Anywho, I liked how akward these two are together. Maybe Cord is what Nanalie needs to bring her out of her shell. Why does she seem so dull anyway?
Once again great writing!
Alas, due to a few kinks in our archaic system, Election Day did not turn out very well for 60% of the population (myself included, which is why there was no post yesterday).
With Nanalie, I think that's just her personality plus the relative laid-backness of her family. She's the responsible one. The mature one. The one who picks up everyone else's slack. Not really a fun-and-games type. Not sure if there's anything with Cord, but they do have an unusual dynamic.
Thanks Keri :)
One word: Awekward! lol! I feel for Cord here. I've been in those conversations where the other party hardly seemed interested or hardly tried.
Yeah, those conversations are rough :S
Thanks Lunar :)
So, out of boredom and curiosity I looked up the Canadian election. I found an article in BBC talking about how the government practically disollved itself because some of the politicians weren't exactly honest with thier distribution of funds for some crime legislation and someone bought some airplanes or something from the US...Anyway it all kind of gave me a headache. Then it went on to say something about a political party whose aim is to have Quebec secede from Canada...now that would be weird.
So I just wanted to say...Good luck with that Van. And I thought the US was messed up politically... haha! Hope all is well for you.
Yep, that's all a part of it--and since I believe the BBC is required to be politically neutral by British law, it's probably one of the more truthful sources out there.
The long and short of it is that the current ruling party is led by a rather shady character (our Prime Minister). He prorogued parliament twice (effectively suspending all legislation in order to suit his needs), was found in contempt of parliament just before the election (a first for Canada and I believe for Westminster-style parliaments as a whole, but don't quote me on that), limited reporters to five questions a day during his campaign, and kicked off his campaign by trying to encourage voter apathy (which sort of worked--61% turnout, which is sadly not the worst we've ever had). He talks a lot about the economy and not much about social issues, and whenever this guy opens his mouth, you get the sense that there's something he's not telling you.
Anyway, he was ruling a minority government--so, while his party did have more seats than any other party, they had less than half the total number, so the other parties could keep him in check as long as they were in accord with each other. But due to the fact that they are the only major right-wing party and the opposition is comprised of four left-wing parties, he ended up winning a majority this election due to split votes among left-leaning individuals--which is ridiculous, seeing as only 39% of the voters, roughly 20-some% of all eligible voters due to the low turnout, actually voted for him (we're one of the few nations still using first-past-the-post, which is an issue too).
So, in short, he now has almost completely unchecked power. But the good news is that we do require elections at least every four or five years, so hopefully we end up with a minority or a coalition next time. And it's still one of the more privileged countries in the world--just shocked that people didn't do anything to stop this when they had the chance.
But this is hardly the place to rant about it, so I won't say any more on the subject unless anyone asks.
Yuck, sounds like someone that's really got his head up his butt and his hands in everyone's wallets. Too bad not everyone's vote counts, I guess that's something I've taken for granted in the US.
Does Canada have a cap on the amount of terms one guy can serve? In the US the president can only be president for a total of eight years, or two terms. So if we get a dick head in office we at least know that he's gone in a little while. cough...Clinton...cough.
I think the only people that stay in for life are the supreme court justices. Everyone else has to be reelected at some point.
Anywho, good luck with that lovely mess. I'm just hoping that Al Queda doesn't bomb our asses for finally killing off Osama.
That's a good summary of the whole situation :S
Unfortunately, we don't have a limit on the amount of terms one guy can serve (this is Harper's third, but his last two were at least minorities). I think the assumption is that people won't vote in a complete idiot once he's proven himself a complete idiot, but with our ridiculous system... well... :(
Yeah, the situation with Al Qaeda... *shudder* I don't even think I have words for that :S
...lovely world we live in, isn't it? -_-
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