April 16, 1175
Besides, she needed some details. "How did it go? Did you end up asking Asalaye to marry you? What did she say?"
Badly, No, and Nothing, because of the last answer.
"So... Old Man Indruion didn't budge, then?"
Cord's head fell to incline, his fist balled to steady its shaking. She'd never seen him like this--strong Cord, tall Cord, Cord the rock. He was a man on the verge of falling apart and she wouldn't be enough to hold him together. "Not if Nanalie wasn't going to get an offer first."
So not a single one of those boys had come through for him. Cowards. Ingrates. Cord had been running favors all week, anything to get the tiniest chance of cooperation from any of them--and unbeknownst to him, Riala had thrown in her own brand of persuasion too--and it had all been in vain.
And what was wrong with Nanalie anyway? Sure, she wasn't the most personable of people... but she had worked hard and had a good head on her shoulders and might not have been anything horrible to look at if she tried a little harder. Most of those boys could have done much worse--and besides, she might not have even said yes!
"Oh Cord, I'm so sorry." The shaking in his hand intensified somewhat; not sure what else she could do, she steadied it with her own. "I can't believe that not one man asked her."
His fist tensed within her grasp as a tortured sigh escaped him. It was alarming. Cord was not the sort of man who sighed lightly. "One man did."
"And yet, he--oh!" What had she been about to say? Something about Master Indruion going back on his word? That had been dumb. Cord would have found a way to get past that. Stupid, stupid, stupid! "Oh Cord! Why did you do that?"
Why had she asked that? It was obvious. "I thought she'd say no."
Poor boy. His only crime had been falling in love with the second sister and a marriage of convenience was too harsh a punishment. But he knew that--obviously. And there was little he could do now without looking like an insensitive ass who withdrew proposals like lots in a game of dice. He was just here to sit, most likely, to talk while she listened. Or maybe he wouldn't talk at all. Maybe he just wanted someone to hold his hand for a little while, to lend him the strength he never thought he'd lack.
Nodding, Riala pulled him up the stairs and ushered him into her mother's bedroom. It was the warmest room in the house, the coziest--and for once it was unoccupied. She gestured for him to take a seat on the bench by the foot on the bed, then closed the door and joined him.
"Is there much point?" He slouched into a drawn-out collapse, elbows to his legs, catching his forehead with the palm of his hand. "I may be just a pig farmer, but I'm a man of my word. If I asked Nanalie to marry me and she accepted, then I suppose I have to. I'll marry her and go through life with her and have babies with her, and Asalaye will see me all the time and hate me forever."
"You don't know that for sure." Of course it was the strongest possibility... but that wasn't necessarily a guarantee, was it? "Have you had a chance to talk to her yet?"
It was a stretch, but she had to give him something. A good friend would give him something. "...closure?"
He sniffed. Poor boy. He'd never wanted to give Asalaye 'closure'. He'd hoped what they had would never need it. So much for all of that now. "I... I don't think I want to talk anymore. Can you just..." he reached across the gap between them and took the fold of her skirt between his fingers "...be there? You were always good at the, uh... comforting."
So that was what he was after. Why hadn't he just said so in the first place? Then again, heartbroken boys weren't always the most methodical of people. Maybe he hadn't known what he needed just then. But if he did now...
"All right. I'll comfort you."
She pulled her legs onto the couch and crawled on top of him, the muscles of his abdomen firm beneath one hand and his heart vulnerable beneath the other. At least he knew what he needed. There would be much comforting required.
So there was no sense in wasting any time.
...holy shit, how is it October already? o_O
(Well, in five minutes...)
Anyway. I guess it's now Orbis Umbra Month... but since I left off both AatD and RS at kind of inconvenient places, I'll try to get a couple of each of those up this month too.
(Also... new poll at the blog!)
I think I just died.
Though you could totally tell that it was gonna happen, what with the visiting of the bedroom ;)
I love this blog, oh yeah I'm EkhoGirl...
Hiya :)
I can only facepalm.
I love how Cord has now definitely, semi-accidentally earned himself a reputation as a total scoundrel. :D :D
And man, Riala REALLY looks like Nora.
I was thinking the exact same thing, Penelope! I think it's at least partially the hair. (It looks great on both of them. ;))
And ... Cord, you idiot!! I don't think Asalaye will be all that heartbroken to lose you, now. Riala too. For God's sake, if you're going to spend time in a room with a boy who likes ... comforting, lock the door first.
Cord is just digging himself in deeper and deeper. Before this is over, he's probably going to count the day he burned the house down as only the second-most-humiliating day of his life.
EhkoGirl: Welcome! Glad you like the story :)
Heheh... there were some pretty telling signs. I guess the main question was "When?" :P
Epi: Facepalming is a perfect valid reaction to this post ;)
Pen: Yeah, luck seems to have forsaken the poor guy :P
She does look a lot like Nora. The main difference for me is the jaw. Nora's is a bit more rounded. Riala's is more heart-shaped and high-cheekboned like Falidor's.
Morgaine: Heheh... I'd forgotten that used to be Nora's hair XD
I wonder how heartbroken Asalaye would have been to begin with. I think her coals for Cord have kind of cooled. But she might think she dodged a bullet. And in Riala's defence, she probably thought Fenrick was going to be out longer. She's usually pretty good about the sneaking. She's been "comforting" boys for years, but this is the only time she's been caught.
Heehee... there aren't many people who can say that about the day they accidentally burned a house down XD
Why would she do that? Why wouldn't she take the time to lock the door? Why wouldn't he? It's not like they were carried away with overwhelming passion. STUPID.
Poor dumb guy. Yeah, I guess Asalaye really will be mad at him now.
I was wondering, BEFORE the dumbness went down, why Cord wouldn't tell Asalaye the truth? Being honorable and all that?
Guess they thought they'd be alone for a while longer :S
I guess he thought he had a bit of time to tell Asalaye the truth? Honorable or not, that can't be an easy thing to bring yourself to admit. He probably would have needed some time to figure out how to say it.
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