November 11, 1173
Really, Setran wasn't wondering at all. He'd been the baron's squire for over a year now, and every few weeks or so he was summoned to the study for an updated report on his mission regarding Sparron--which, it seemed, was more of a full-time duty than any task expected of a squire. Frankly, he didn't see why the baron still bothered trying to get information out of him. Setran liked Sparron--he was a decent enough fellow, and he could be worth spending time with if caught between two of his frequent moods--but he was either a closed book or he was written in a language Setran couldn't read.
"Actually, no." The baron's stare seemed to pass through him to the wall behind, as if he were some sort of ghost or spirit or perhaps not even there to begin with; he found himself straightening out of his slouch, if only to prove his existence. "I know you have nothing to tell me there. This is about you."
Well, now Setran was wondering. "Sorry?"
Setran swallowed. He'd known it--and the baron had known it--but wasn't it still early? He'd been considerably older than most squires when he'd first started. Hell, the newly-knighted Sir Searle was a year his junior! Wasn't he just behind? "Sir--"
"You can barely lift a shield, you can't tell the backside of a horse from its front, you were the first person eliminated in the last tournament, and I wouldn't put money on your victory in a sword fight if your opponent was my eight-year-old daughter. I could try giving you some further instruction, but I doubt there would be any point."
"Dismissing you?" If anything, he sounded amused; Setran raised an eyebrow. "On the contrary, I was thinking of knighting you."
...what? "Uh... sir, you know what you just said, right?"
"But you're a clever boy, and I have lands that need managing--and if there ever was a war, then I would need someone to keep things running here while the rest of us were off fighting, and Lord knows you would be the right man for that job." The light was dim, but his eyes appeared to be rolling--not that it mattered much to Setran. There were advantages to being a knight, even if only a joke of one. "I'll just run it by the king and you can expect to be knighted in a couple of months. How does that sound?"
The baron shrugged. "Setran, you could marry a moldy old pair of socks for all I care. Just manage my God damn lands--understand?"
If they weren't raised already, the corners of his lips pulled his mouth upwards. "Yes, sir."
Setran shuddered. "My lord, you've read my mind."
Sorry about the wait. I got back home yesterday and I've been catching up with family and friends. Updates might be a little sporadic over the next little while.
Wow very quiet around here today.
So Naroni is peaceful enough that it will employ rubbish knights? I'm gonna have to LOL if there ever is a war.
Apart from that, I haven't got much to say. Great chapter :)
Yay for Setran! :D Although I think Florian is going to have to have a fit once he finds out that the first thing Setran wants to do is marry Evera.
Oh well. He'll get over it.
And I bet there will be animal races -- Setran's going to have to leave the house at some point! ;)
Joseph: I'll tell you right now that I have no intention of ever writing--much less, posing--a war ;)
Thanks :)
Morgaine: Oh, Florian will definitely have a fit--but at least he gets his animal races. Somehow ;)
I was beginning to dread how this ended, with a dismissal, so what a nice surprise! Florian will definitely have a fit about Evera. BTW, I really like her name!
And grins over the animal races!!
Oh, Florian's head will spin XD
Thanks Beth :)
Ha! Oh I'm glad the comments clarified that animal smuggling thing. I thought the implication was that Florian would be stealing animals and hiding them in the dungeon.
Wait-- Do all the castles in Naroni have dungeons?
Man, Setran's a weird-looking kid. And seemingly very un-Florian, which is to Thetis's credit. :D
That was a reference to a meme that was going around a while ago involving ten facts about a particular character. Phoenix tagged Florian, so I came up with ten facts about him, and one of them was this:
"With all the time he spends with the nobles, Florian has developed something of a social-climbing agenda. He secretly aspires to marry off one of his sons to one of Octavius's daughters, so that his son can become a knight and live in a castle. He plans to hold underground animal races in the dungeon of said castle."
That sort of ended up becoming a trend in comments :P But anyway, I've been phasing in these "facts" in order to replace the expository bios in the profiles, if you're interested in seeing more.
Yep, all the castles have dungeons.
Setran is very strange-looking. It was difficult to get a smile out of him that didn't look absolutely ridiculous. He seems to be Florian from the nose up and Electra on downward, which is apparently a weird combination. Oh well, at least Evera thinks he's cute ;)
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