May 13, 2013

In Which Lonriad Has No Chance at Normalcy

September 8, 1181

Lonriad's sister hadn't said a damn word since Isidro had dug up the spare key from beneath a cluster of rocks. Neither had Isidro himself, for that matter, but that was different. Isidro was understandably upset for his own sake, despite the practicality and downright necessity of the ultimate decision. Riona was only upset on Isidro's behalf, though if she was paying any attention, she'd notice that he'd managed more than enough ugly old emotion on his own. She didn't need to feed that unease.

Then again, it wasn't all that long ago when a Riona more concerned with someone else's well-being than her own was a laughable idea, so he'd give her credit there. And maybe he had been a little insensitive. Didn't matter, though. They all knew he'd been right. "Nice and toasty in here, isn't it?"

"Lucky for us there was dry wood already in here," Ashe agreed--at least, Lonriad would count it as an agreement--as he spurred another shower of sparks in the hearth. "Your idea, Is?"

"Hmm?" Isidro pried his gaze from the washed-out, rusty window just long enough to notice the fire. Lonriad wondered if he'd noticed the heat. "No."

Awkward, Ashe turned back to his task, though Lonriad gave him a couple points for getting Isidro to speak at all. Shelter or not, this was looking to be a long night. "Sorry. It just seemed a little too much foresight for your father."

"It is. It was my brother's idea." The ill-fated Fortunato, Lonriad assumed. If ever a father had given a son a less fitting name--and that considering Lonriad's own eldest brother, named for the most pious Dovian lord in recent memory.

It was odd that he missed Jadin. At least it wouldn't be too long now before they were home again.

"What do you think? Another week or so?"

Isidro shook his head as he abandoned the window in favor of the rug. Did that mean he was forgiven? His brother-in-law wasn't looking at him with complete contempt... "If that. Maybe four days if we keep the rests to a minimum. More likely five or six."

In either case, they'd probably leave the house to meet dawn at the door. "Good. God, I think I'd even brave Asalaye's cooking if it meant we were under the same roof."

That did it--finally, a snicker out of Riona. "As if yours is any better."

"It's worse! That's why we have a cook." Not that their cook was much to brag about either. "But who knows? Maybe Nanalie will have us for supper when she hears I'm back. She'll be missing her favorite brother-in-law."

"It would take more than a month for anyone to miss you."

"A month?" Lonriad gasped in mock-amazement, though it might not have been as 'mock' as he'd gauged. He knew it had only been a month, but it felt like they'd been gone quite a while longer. "Here I was, thinking we'd barely be back in time for Sevvie and Yvanette's wedding."

Ashe threw him a glare-full of daggers for his trouble. Ah, normalcy. All he needed was some dry comment from Isidro and any guilt over the stop would be gone. "You might want to watch what you say about my daughter while I'm holding a sharp object."

"I'd be more concerned about whether your kids will recognize you with short hair, even if it doesn't look as stupid as I'd hoped. Riona, you should become a barber."

She laughed--an actual laugh! Thank God. "Well, I could probably practice cutting hair on Izzy, but let me know if you find any willing test subjects for surgery."

Isidro grunted. Lonriad doubted he'd put up a fuss if Riona had any serious ambitions in barbering, but he was less than amused with the banter. Maybe it had been too much to hope for, a total lack of tension. "I'll keep an eye out. But I'm going to bed."

"Now?" Riona's voice was more curious than argumentative, but Lonriad and Ashe both looked away regardless, Ashe to the stairs and Lonriad to his own lap. He might have done more harm than good, cheering Riona up. Perhaps Isidro needed an ally after all. "We can relax a little before. It's not that late."

Ashe cleared his throat. "Uh... Isidro? Riona?"

Neither showed any sign of having heard him. "No, but I'd prefer to leave as early as possible. And I'm sorry to be rude, but I don't want to have to wait for any of you."

"Is? You might want to--"

"And you won't," Riona insisted, cutting Ashe off. "If any of us are still asleep when you get up, you're welcome to wake us."

"Don't think I--hey!" Teeth gritted, Isidro rubbed his arm where Ashe's fist had hit it. It was hardly an appropriate first thought, but Lonriad would have to congratulate him on not defaulting to a slap. "What was that for?"

"Sorry! I just thought you should know--"

"Know what?"


Lonriad thought he caught the hairs on his hand spring to attention as a man's tread rung from the lower steps of the stairs. Riona clung to the arm of the couch and Ashe shot Isidro a mixed-message of a look, reading both 'You all right?' and 'Don't say I didn't warn you'. As for Isidro himself, the only movement was a strained, tugging twitch at the side of his mouth.

That was probably enough. "Why are you here?"



Van said...

Don't worry, it's weird for me when I post in the afternoon/early evening too. :S

Anonymous said...

DUN DUN DUN!!! And there he is! Figures -- this really is just Izzy's luck.

Still, the banter was funny, even if the thought of Riona as a barber-surgeon makes me want to run for the hills. ;)

Also, I love that Sevvie and Yvanette have a Shipper on Board!

Can't wait to see what happens in the next post!

Ann said...

Oh, well cripes!! Poor Izzy is truly damned with bad luck! (Although knowing you this might turn out to be good after all. Not that I'm having high hopes for Domingo, but you never know, right?)

I loved the banter! Riona as a barber-surgeon WOULD be scary! XD Any prospective surgery subjects Lonriad might manage to round up would have to be nuts!

And I rather like the idea of Sevvie and Yvanette as well! And not just because the thought of Lonriad, Ashe and mutual grandrunts amuses me. XD

Van said...

Er, sorry for the less-than-prompt responses. Today was a stupid day.

Morgaine: Ye-ep, that would about do it where Izzy's luck is concerned. :S

I would not trust Riona with a scalpel, even under the best of hygienic conditions and with other trained professionals in the room. But hey, it could a profession fit for one of her sisters. Vera might manage just fine; CeeCee or Thetis may as well, for all we've seen next to nothing of them.

I think Lonriad has been shipping Sevvie/Yvanette since the day Yvanette was born. XD

Ann: It would be wise to keep any expectations for Domingo quite low. But the worst he can really do is send them back out in the rain; if he'd, say, wanted Izzy dead, he would have taken care of that long ago.

Yeaah, I can't imagine there would be a huge line at Dr. Riona's. :S

I think Lonriad may be on the same page with you there in regards to the mutual grandkids. I don't think Ashe is quite on board, though. ;)

Winter said...

Sevvie and Yvanette... hmm!

Poor Izzy. If I thought Domingo would give half a care, I'd hope Izzy would tell him just what he was doing and that Zaahir was better in 10 minutes than Domingo was in his entire life. Hopefully, mush-for-brains will get tired of Izzy quickly and just let them be until dawn.

And if not, maybe Riona should try her "barbering" skills out on Domingo.

Anonymous said...

... Can I put in a vote with Winter for Domingo being the first victim--I mean patient of Riona's? Pretty please?

Van said...

Eehee... this is not the first time Lonriad pitched the idea of Sevvie and Yvanette. ;)

That would be pretty satisfying, but you're right--Domingo probably wouldn't care enough to listen, or at least take it to heart. With any luck, he'll just tell them they'd better not be there when he wakes up.

Ha! XD I'm sure there is no one Riona would rather practice surgery on than Domingo. Alas, it would not be too convenient to the plot at this point.