November 3, 2011

In Which Nora Notices the Noblewoman Things

November 18, 1176

"They certainly do play well together, don't they?" sighed Xeta as Lyssa walked Noah along the perimeter of the deck and CeeCee swapped his wife for one of the horses. "Lucky thing they're close in age, what with all these boys running about."

Atop Nora's lap, Donny squirmed. She ignored him and tried to look interested. "Mmm."

She liked Jadin's wife--she really did--but lately Xeta had been a bit... much. Little Lyssa had been two and a half before Xeta had managed to get pregnant again, which was apparently a ridiculous gap between babies--never mind the fact that there were three years between Nora's eldest two children and if anything it had been nice to have a bit of a break. Then again, maybe it was a noblewoman thing. Nora, after all, had been employed in those days. For women of Xeta's birth, maybe pregnancy was a means of passing the time.

It certainly was in Xeta's case. From the day she'd first suspected something amiss, all she could talk about was the possibility. Then Arydath had confirmed it. Then Lettie had gotten pregnant, then Nora herself. And now rumor had it that Asalaye had missed a couple courses as well. She would have thought all this pregnancy news would have been enough to make anyone tire of the subject, but apparently not Xeta.

"I hope yours is a girl, at least; girls are so much more fun. Mine though... well, Jadin's going to need an heir eventually, so surely it's better to have a boy sooner rather than later?"

"Yes, well... I guess it is what it is?" This was ridiculous. Xeta had always been a clever girl, but Nora doubted she realized what she'd just said. Jadin wouldn't technically "need" an heir until he was dead, which Nora knew Xeta wasn't wishing for any time soon. For that matter, Jadin would still be an heir himself until Severin was dead, which Nora herself wasn't wishing for any time soon--not when every precious minute they had to themselves somehow resulted in yet another child.

Then again, maybe that was another one of those noblewoman things she was now expected to understand but never would. Jothein wouldn't have cared if Nora had only born him girls, and of course Severin had three grown sons from Lady Alina. She'd never been expected to give anyone an heir; maybe it wasn't her place to roll her eyes at Xeta's musings.

But oh, how difficult Xeta made it! At least she was finally due to be confined any day now. "Anyway. You know how I mended up all of Lyssa's old clothes a few months ago? Well, turns out Leara and Rona made a whole new set for the new baby, so this one won't need the hand-me-downs. No sense wasting them, though; would you like them for yours?"

"Err... I guess?" Christ, why was she supposed to be thinking about baby clothes already? Her baby wouldn't be coming until April. It was November. Oh well--she supposed it was only a matter of time before it was Xeta in her place, going through the now-dull motions of Baby Number Nine, wanting nothing more than to scream at her glowing daughter-in-law that there was more to life than just sitting around being pregnant. For now, she supposed all she could do was change the subject. At least there was something important to discuss. "So. Severin and I went to visit Riona yesterday."

Xeta's head tilted. "Oh? Is she feeling better?"

"Much, thank God." Poor girl had slumped pale and shivering in Isidro's arms all through the night of the performance, or at least until he'd finally put his foot down and carried her off to one of Lorn's guest chambers. They'd had to borrow Leara's carriage for the ride home the next morning and a wet-nurse had been summoned for Shahira. Since then, Riona had barely been out of bed; every time she'd tried to get up, it was only a matter of minutes before she'd needed to lie down again. But she'd seemed a little stronger yesterday, a little more spirited, the color back in her face and the sparks back in her eyes. "Still. It's so strange, a perfectly healthy girl falling that ill that quickly."

Xeta smirked. "Maybe she's got another one on the way."


Hopeless. Just... hopeless.

"Speaking of babies, have you heard anything about Aldara yet, or--oh!"

At Nora's age, it was not an "Oh!" she'd never heard--especially not when she'd said it eight times herself. Xeta's face twisted into a pained mask as she clutched at her enormous belly and leaned forward in her seat, a suspicious stain on the couch cushion peeking out from beneath her.

So much for thinking it would be a week or so yet. "Oh."



Van said...

Um. So. For everyone who follows more than one of my stories... *points* here.

Anonymous said...

I understand how Nora would be sick of the topic of pregnancy, if you think about it Xeta is on one end of the experience scale and Nora is on the other.
And poor Riona!! What did that evil man do to her? Izzy better set things straight! And the next chapter looks very interesting...

Penelope said...

You know, talking about pregnancies and babies isn't the exclusive domain of Xeta. Even some of the men are running around their studies with babies slung over their shoulders, discussing their sleeping habits and temperaments with other men. I wonder why Nora singled Xeta out. Is it because Xeta was always more of an intellectual?

Penelope said...

Random but when is Ietrin scheduled to make an appearance?

Van said...

EkhoGirl: Yeah, I think Nora has more children than she ever intended to have at this point. Meanwhile, Xeta's just getting started :S

As for what happened to Riona, we'll find out a bit later on. But since I imagine Izzy would have told Severin and Nora if he knew exactly what had happened, Riona hasn't said anything :(

Pen: That's partially it--this clever young noblewoman, suddenly overcome with a nightmarish case of the baby rabies. That and being the only other technical adult female in the household, Xeta does tend to be Nora's constant companion, so there's the exposure thing.

Also... I think Nora's just a little bit sick of babies, regardless of whether or not Xeta happens to be obsessed with them. Nora's eldest daughter got married in August, so it probably won't be long before she's a grandma (at thirty-five!!) and I don't think she was ever planning on doing the kid thing and the grandkid thing at once.

I don't think I have Ietrin on my outline right now, but I've only outlined to May so far (1177 will be a longish year). I do, however, have ideas for a post with him. Also, there's one Jeda post where he'll undoubtedly be at least mentioned.

Penelope said...

Seeing as how Severin never really perfected the pull-out method, it will be interesting to see Nora pregnant at 40 and strangling Severin in his sleep, in contrast to Alina who was miserable not having more children.

Epi said...

Interested by the preview picture - wasn't the boy supposed to be deaf? Maybe I'm confusing myself. I should go back and refresh, really....but NaNo D: !

Van said...

Pen: It's quite the contrast, for sure XD

Actually... now that you mention Alina, she and Dalston were first cousins. Maybe Dalston was a carrier for whatever genes were affecting Alina and passed them to Xeta? Hmm...

Epi: The boy's blind and seemingly mute, but I don't think deafness was confirmed. I guess we'll find out soon enough?

Oooh, you're doing NaNo? Good luck! :)

Anonymous said...

No, don't make Xeta get what Alina had that made her so depressed when she wasn't pregnant! But maybe going a couple years between pregnancies -- and not for want of trying, either, I'm guessing -- means that Xeta might be more equipped to handle it. I mean, it might not take over her life the way it did Alina.

Although I do hope this baby is a boy. Maybe then some of Xeta's baby rabies will pass, since she'll have done her duty. Then again, Eadie-from-Lothere's baby rabies have never really passed ...

And of course I hope for a safe delivery for both mother and baby, though if it weren't going to be safe I get the feeling we might have heard from Vera by now.

And Riona! Ooh, poor Riona. Somebody needs to kick that creepy priest's ass for whatever he did to her.

Wait a minute ... that ... isn't Vera in the preview picture, is it?

Verity said...

Poor Nora. I imagine popping out baby after baby isn't the most heartening thing to do. God, imagine being continuously pregnant and uncomfortable. Poor Nora. She must be so sick of it.

And now I am super worried about Riona. What did that guy do to her?! As if Naroni needs more super evilness.

Van said...

Morgaine: If she does have it, then she could very well be better equipped for it. She could also probably distract herself if need be, which Alina was unfortunately never good at.

Baby's been born in-game ;) We'll find out what kind it is next post.

As for what happened to Riona, we'll get a few pieces of that puzzle fairly soon. And the black hair and blue cloak say Vera isn't a bad guess at all.

Verity: Agreed, that must suck royally :S But luckily for Nora, I'm planning on giving her a break.

As for Riona. Well. Stay tuned...

S.B. said...

I always feel like the outsider leaving comments, not that it stops me.

You got a shot I don't think I could have gotten, the toddler on Nora's lap. That is one impressive shot.

I hope the baby is a boy. I hope Xeta eats something as poisonous as she is.

Van said...

Awww, sorry that you feel that way. I always love your comments.

Thanks! Donny's just sitting on a couple of OMSPs there. There's a bit of clipping, but I tried to time the shots so as to keep it minimal. To be honest, I hadn't even planned on Donny being in the post. Nora's supposed to have the second trimester baby bump at this point (by my admittedly oversimplified system of determining that, anyway), but when I summoned her onto the lot, InSim wouldn't let me advance her pregnancy. Donny was put there just to cover her lack of bump :P

Baby's been born in-game and will be mentioned in the next post. Since I already updated the family tree, I feel safe saying that you're two for two with wishes for Jadin-spawn now ;)

As for Xeta... well, something's definitely up with her, but there's going to be a lot going on in the upcoming couple years, so we may not find out for a while.

Epi said...

I am, but between my holiday next week and Skyrim coming out, I doubt I'll finish the 50k!

Thanks :)

Van said...

Ooooh, Skyrim. Sounds like between Skyrim and Uncharted 3, all the PS3 players will be occupied for quite some time :)

(I own a Wii and while I like it, the selection of games is pathetic. At least we're getting a new Zelda?)

Have fun with both the game and the book :)