November 9, 2011

In Which Aydelle States Whose Business It Is

January 5, 1177

A servant's discretion forgotten, Aydelle charged through the door the duke's study and fixed her gaze on the couch's occupant. She'd heard from the duchess's seamstress, who'd heard from some girl in the kitchens, who'd heard from some guard she was fucking, who'd heard from... well, it didn't matter. Everybody had 'heard', but not all hearsay was reliable. Something about spitting, shoving, a well-placed left hook, whatever. Maybe it was everything and maybe it was nothing. Aydelle needed the truth. "What were you thinking?"

Out of some secret sympathetic hope she waited for Aspen's protest. It never came. "I wasn't."

It wasn't human nature to confess to a crime uncommitted, nor was it like Aspen to lie about much at all. If she hadn't plead innocence, then there was little doubt. But what exactly had she done? "I see. Did you actually hit him, or...?"

"No." Aspen tugged at the hem of her skirt with the heel of her shoe. She'd probably end up tearing the damn thing, but given how careless she was with her clothing at the best of times, Aydelle doubted she'd notice now. "I spat on his boot."

Sighing, Aydelle eased herself onto the couch and shook her head. "Maybe it's not a punch, but still--spitting on a nobleman? Honey, you could lose your job for that."

"I already told you I wasn't thinking." Head inclining, she caught a stray thread on her sleeve between her nails and pulled. "Not about that, at least."

"About her, then." Aspen said nothing. Aydelle reached for the girl's shoulder and gave it a quick rub. "Not much occupies the mind quite like a pretty face. One of the more troubling things about girls."

As always, Aspen shot her a defensive glare. This was so predictable by now that all she could do was smile and shrug. "Not girls--a girl. One girl."

"Yes, but how many boys have there been to cancel out this 'one girl' of yours?"


"I thought so. Honey, take it from someone who never gave a rat's ass about what was between anybody's legs and who's too bitter to notice besides--just come to terms with it. Figure out what you like, figure out what you want, and just remember that it's nobody else's goddamned business."

Aspen swallowed, the tips of her fingers drumming across her leg. She was no longer looking at Aydelle and nor were her eyes focused anywhere else. She was transfixed by something within her own mind. "I don't care about me anymore. I just want her to be happy."

Aydelle pursed her lips. "Well, I care about you--so for your sake, I hope she can be."

The minutes dragged on, neither of them speaking another word. What was the point? What else was there to say? All they could do was wait--for the verdict, the punishment, Lady Rona's fate, everything. It was an uncomfortable place, but worse still was the attempt to leave unaided.

Finally, the duke stepped through the door--oft-friendly eyes wary, oft-smiling mouth grim. The air fled the study as if the adjoining corridor were a vacuum. Aydelle flared her nostrils. It was all she could do to keep breathing.

"Mistress Ildaras." Not sure what else she could do, she met the duke's eye. She'd hoped to catch sight of some kind spark, some trace of mercy, but if there was any to be seen then her eyes were too dim. "Would you kindly step outside for a moment? I think I'd best speak with Mistress Torgleid alone."



Van said...

For those of you only reading Naroni--I put Orbis Umbra, the usual Wednesday story, on temporary hiatus until I've sorted out a few plotlines there (Van + "plan as you go" method = DO NOT MIX). Until that's done (which realistically won't be until December, given that assignments tend to pile up in November), you get an extra Naroni per week.

Anonymous said...

:( Poor Aspen. On the one hand, I see why Lorn is furious, on the other ... why is he talking to Aspen about this? She's Rona's maid, not his.

I hope he doesn't fire her unilaterally. That would just be cruel to Rona. Rona needs some unqualified support in her life -- she doesn't seem to be getting a whole hell of a lot of it from elsewhere. But that preview pic isn't looking good.

Also, how did Aydelle know about Aspen's feelings? Is there some sort of secret Naronian lesbians' network of which we are not aware? ;)

Van said...

Sadly, since Lorn's the head of the household, he gets the final say about all things staff-related :(

It would not be good news for Rona if Aspen got fired. Not at all :S

This probably got lost in the hustle and bustle, but Aydelle and Aspen are pretty tight. Aspen's first appearance was in this Aydelle/Camaline post (she was living with Aydelle while her rooms at Lorn's castle were being prepared--Rona and Aspen were living with Ovrean and Celina before that).

LULZ at the secret lesbian network XD

Penelope said...

LOL, Morgaine!

Ack @ the chapter! Well, at least the threat isn't corporeal punishment because that is absolutely what I was expecting.

Aydelle is a hero. She doesn't mean to be, but she totally is (despite her misanthropy or maybe because of it). Is this the first time that we are seeing her sim as an adult?

Van said...

For all Lorn has been getting a bit of a bad rep from this storyline, I don't think he's the type to beat his workers.

Now that you mention it, Aydelle does sort of fit the model of a Byronic hero. I wonder if I could make use of this. In any case, I should probably write her more often (a thing that can be said of so many characters in this story).

Aydelle is twenty-four now, so she's been an adult for a while. It can be hard to tell with some Sims, though. I totally thought Eithne from Lothere was an adult until I got better acquainted with various CC and realized "Hey, she's wearing teen ouftits".

Anonymous said...

That's some damn good advice from Aydelle, and I didn't get to comment on the previous post so I'll just say now, I'm totally on Aspen's side! Lonriad led Rona on, he knew what he was doing, and he still did it. Now that he's all grown up he expects everyone else to just let it go? RAWR! GO ASPEN!!!
Lorn look's scary here... I'm scared :s

Van said...

For all Aydelle can be a little cold sometimes, she does know what she's talking about :)

Lonriad... well. I think he does feel a little guilty over the whole thing, but at the same time, he probably figures that Rona wasn't so much into him as she was into marrying someone geographically convenient. This is true, but he did still hurt her and Aspen isn't about to forgive him for that.

Stay tuned... :S

Verity said...

Poor Aspen... and Rona really doesn't seem like she has any idea. I wonder what is going to happen to Aspen now. It looks like she's in some serious trouble :(

Van said...

I don't think the thought has even occurred to Rona, or at least not on a conscious level.

Lorn certainly doesn't look like he's about to give her a raise :S

Chene said...

I'm going to be honest; I'd have punched her in the face for spitting at me and I commend Lonriad for not. There is something so disrespectful about spitting on someone and I get she was upset but it was out of line. (true she didn't spit in his face or anything but she spit AT him)
I feel for the girl but this is her job and if i spit at someone at work I'd be fired too so...She needs to calm her ass down.

Van said...

Most probably would have. The thing about Lonriad is that--like most of his family--while he does expect respect as a human being, he doesn't really require it on sheer basis of rank unless he's doing it out of spite for someone. He didn't ask to be born a lord's son, after all, and he's not implicitly better than a lady's maid.

That said, yeah, I don't think some form of retaliation would have been out of line, but it looks like Lorn will be covering that.