November 20, 2011

In Which Lucien Makes a Rule

February 21, 1177

"...but they can investigate all they like. They shan't find anything. They have no idea where to even begin." The scratches of Remiel's quill ceased and the parchment ruffled as he filed whatever it was away. "Even if they can connect me to her, she can't say anything without ruining her family's reputation. And you, of course..." A small sniff escaped Remiel's nose and bounced from wall to wall before falling into Lucien's ear. "Well. It's not like you'll be telling them anything.

"Anyway. We should be safe here. And now that we know that she has a family in the area... Well. With the way they seem to breed, I should be set for quite some time after you're gone. I'll occasionally have to duck out of the country for a couple decades or so to avoid rousing suspicion, but I've been through longer droughts. And I suppose I could always take some obscure bastard with me, just in case.

"But the state of the bloodline is troubling, I'll admit. That Riona girl is a quarter and I couldn't get much energy out of her. And her husband? He's nothing special. I can't imagine any of their spouses are; hell, I have enough trouble finding you creatures and I know to look for you. Their children will be eighths, and who knows how little they might be worth. Sixteenths, thirty-seconds...

"Hmm. The younger sister. I didn't see a ring on her finger. Perhaps I'll breed her with you--you'd like that, wouldn't you?" Lucien's fingers curled into a tight fist. Remiel wasn't allowed to talk about Vera. Not that Lucien had any say in what Remiel did or didn't do, but Remiel wasn't allowed to even think about Vera, and especially not like that.

"I think I'd prefer the other myself--always did have an affinity for red hair, you know. Black is a little ordinary for tastes. Then again, not as if you can tell the diff--Boy!"

A splash of water soon turned to sizzling. A sleeve shook, drops hitting the floor like tiny mallets on a solid drum. "How many times must I tell you about the candles? If I want them lit, I'll do so myself; at least I can find the wicks!" The rim of his robe dragged along the hardwood, a few firm, irritated steps drawing nearer. "Now. I believe you owe me an apology. And it so happens I'm feeling a little faint."

He knew what that meant. It was a bit funny, really--how many ways there could be of saying the same thing. Funny, and perhaps a bit frightening how each was an incantation of utmost obedience.



Van said...

This will doubtlessly be late considering the time difference, but... Happy Birthday, Joseph! :D

Anyway. Not much news today. I added a quote to the top of the TV Tropes page for kicks, but that's about it.

Anonymous said...

Lucien is getting grumpy!!! I don't blame him, Remiel is a total creep, an evil SOB.
He talks about them like they're just playthings that he can use and have at his disposal, seriously? Someone needs to hit him, in the face, with a shovel.
I'm looking forward to seeing Severin's next POV and I'm hoping someone does some serious arse kicking!!
Poor Vera, and poor Riona! Does what Remiel was saying mean that their children are less at risk of being 'hunted' by this sicko? :S

Van said...

Remiel talks about people like they're playthings because he effectively sees them as such. They are literally his pawns :S

I think Severin's next scheduled POV is when his kid is born, but I might slip him in earlier. In either case, Laveria will be in that post too, so... :S

The more diluted Laveria's blood gets, the less useful it is to Remiel. So theoretically, Shahira and her cousins are in less danger than their parents, who in turn are in less danger than Severin and his sister, who in turn are in less danger than Laveria. In theory. Remiel does see Riona and Vera as easier targets than Severin and Laveria.

Ann said...

Now that does make me wonder how old this Remiel-character is!

I hope Lucien get's a chance for revenge! (Perhaps with help from Laveria, who surely must know a weakness or two.)

Arse kicking is always appreciated, especially if Severin is doing the kicking! ^^

Anonymous said...

Here here for arse-kicking! And by the way, Remiel's robe looks rather flammable. And it should be easy for Lucien to light it on fire when Remiel is draining him and thus not paying too much attention ... right?

I also have to compliment you on Remiel's looks -- that facial expression in the first photo was priceless.

*fingers crossed for Laveria (both of them) and Severin et al.*

Van said...

Ann: That is a very good question ;)

As for revenge and/or arse-kicking from anyone... well, not just yet. But who knows what's coming? ;)

Morgaine: I can't imagine the best time to start psychic fires is when your essence is being drained :S

Thanks! Remiel ended up looking pretty much exactly like I pictured him.

Verity said...

Oh ugh ugh ugh. I wish someone would help Lucien before it's too late :(

Van said...

I guess we'll have to wait and see if anyone does :S

The Lunar Fox said...

Wooo! I'm all caught up again. I need to quit falling behind!

Remiel is interesting. So he's a vampire of some sort? This does make me very curious about Lucious' story! And also curious about Lavera's connection, which has my thoughts spinning about how that connection has affected her granddaughters!

Van said...

Heheh. No worries. Welcome back to the present :D

Remiel is definitely, definitely human... but he has taught himself to do things that most humans don't even think are possible. As for Laveria and Lucien, we'll get some more insight on that front sooner or later, but needless to say they have something in common.