July 26, 1171
And if not interesting, then--at the very least--that she be pretty.
At least she had nice hair, even if it was blond as opposed to his preferred black--soft and curly and bountiful. And she did have a rather ample bosom for a fifteen-year-old; Ietrin didn't remember much about Jeda's mother, but he'd heard that the late baroness had been a rather buxom woman, and it was a relief to see that her daughter had inherited her cleavage. Now, if only she would stop wearing such formless gowns...
Ietrin nodded. "Yes, well... I guess we only have a little more than a month left now, and I wanted to set something straight quickly; you may then leave if you wish."
"Good." He crossed his arms and tried to grin, though it was more difficult than he remembered; after all these months of saving smiles, it almost hurt to waste one on someone other than Ellona. "Now, I want you to know that I don't wish to be one of those husbands who shuts his wife up in the castle all day and beats her where no one will ever see and claims his marital right every night--I could be one of those husbands, but I won't be."
Eyes wide and nearly pretty if not for the hazel, Jeda trembled, as if she had no idea how to reply--not that he'd expected that she would. "Uh... thank you?"
"You're welcome." He placed his hand on her shoulder and rubbed it. As he had anticipated, it was just as round as her face--and, as he had not, just as bony. "But if I am to be a good husband to you, then I expect that you will be a good wife to me. Now, you're lucky to be highborn enough--and just highborn enough, I daresay--to be marrying a prince, so much of your days will be spent gossiping with my sisters and helping my stepmother accessorize various rooms. We probably won't see much of each other, but you will be cordial whenever we do--I have only two demands, and that is one of them. Can you be cordial?"
No change in her expression, she nodded. "And the other is--?"
"Oh." As though embarrassed to be thinking of such things, Jeda flushed. Such squeamishness wasn't befitting of a future queen; he would have to do something about that.
"You have bled, correct?" She nodded; satisfied, he continued. "Well, my father still prospers, so it isn't as if we'll be pressed for time, but I should like a son as soon as possible. A strong, strapping young boy, and with a good head for politics--and he should be handsome too, just like his father. Do you think you can manage that?"
Ietrin shrugged. "Well, I suppose I could forgive you if you gave me a daughter--it would be your first time having a baby, after all, and it might only be fair of me to allow some mistakes there. And perhaps we shall discuss a spare or two once the heir is a little older, but frankly I couldn't be bothered to find uses for a whole snivelling brood. Anyway, I take it we're clear now?"
She still looked a little bewildered, but she nodded all the same. Just as well; he knew for a fact that Ellona was waiting in his bedroom, and he didn't wish to waste any more time with Jeda's silly questions.
A daytime post? What insanity is this? O_o
Also, I think Ietrin wins the "character who took the longest to finally get a POV" award. The kid appeared in the very first post as a month-old baby and now he's going on seventeen and this is the first time we've seen the inside of his head o_O
Also, this may be the first "Medieval" relationship in this story XD
Ahh, Ietrin, such a prat. His father's son indeed.
Poor, poor Jeda.
Wow, that was quick :)
Ietrin is definitely his father's son. Jeda has some tough years ahead of her, for sure :S
Ietrin promises to become an interesting man. He does take after his father very much, but there's also something more to him. Maybe it's just because of Ellona's piece from the first time she seduced him. She was surprised by him, and I like her as a character and give her some trust, so if she was surprised by him because he turned out different from expected, then I think I will be surprised by him.
Wow, was that a long enough sentence? And in a way, I was a little surprised here though I'm hard pressed to point at where exactly. Maybe it's more that it's a twist on what I did expect, lol.
So far, Ietrin seems like Roderick + Geneva + a little something more, both a good something and a bad something. He's more complex than his father, that's for sure.
Ellona's Ietrin and Jeda's Ietrin are quite different, and that's going to become painfully obvious in the near future :S
But yeah, he definitely has the potential to surprise.
He certainly has the arrogance of his father and unfortunately he also seems to have inherited the nonsensical belief in his divine right, as heir to the throne, to demand whatever he wants and expect complete obedience. As if Jeda has any control over the gender and intelligence of her children and their partiality to politics?
"I could forgive you if you gave me a daughter - it would be your first time having a baby". Maybe he's lucky it's meek and mild little Jeda he is betrothed to, Raia would have punched his lights out and such a statement would probably have put some of the other girls into a state of instant dislike (if they weren't there already) that would have caused difficulty in the marriage.
One can only hope that Jeda can live with being ignored by her husband or pray that she will grow a backbone as she matures?
While I do think that Ietrin is smarter than Roderick (not that that takes much), he definitely did get those aspects of his personality--the arrogance, the sense of entitlement, the idea of absolute authority. But yeah, he needs to go and have a good long talk with some woman who's born multiple children if he thinks Jeda has any control over what she spawns :S
Raia probably would have killed him on the spot, and Xeta certainly would have been rubbed the wrong way. We haven't seen much of Raia's younger sisters (or any of Xeta's younger sister!) but I can't imagine they would have been impressed either. Actually, I think he creeped Jeda out here too; poor thing was just too meek to say anything :(
But yeah, with any luck, Jeda will get stronger as she grows up. I think she's given up on Ietrin ever paying her much attention, but she shouldn't have to take it lying down.
I forsee a Viridis/Lonriad situation here but only worse. And by "only worse", I mean "at least Lonriad isn't a malicious sort of person". What I think I'll be interested in as this relationship progresses is how much Jeda changes as a person for better or for worse. Ietrin is a shock to the system for a girl like her whereas I can't forsee Ietrin being influenced by Jeda at all. Nothing has happened yet and I feel the dramatic pull between these two! And while this is a classic pairing (the innocent ingenue and the dastardly jackass) I feel like there is a lot of potential for either calamity or empowerment or some combination of the two.
Interesting thought about the Lonriad/Viridis parallel. I'm not sure "malicious" is a word I'd use to describe Ietrin (though it does suit him better than Lonriad), but he's certainly very... stifling, or at least he is here.
But yeah, any change--for better or worse--is probably going to be on Jeda's side, unless something dramatic happens. And crazy shit is definitely going to go down between these two (and by extension, those around them). Stay tuned...
This is a medieval story. Guys were jerks back then. Women were not people, they were property, and it's only natural to expect your property to do what you want, when you want it to.
... Nope, not working, I can try to tell myself that but I STILL want to strangle that boy. He treated Jeda like absolute trash. "I have two conditions for our marriage." YOU have conditions? YOU?? This girl has been trying to gain your attention and approval since she was five, and now YOU want to take charge? And we all know what YOU'VE been up to in the meantime.
I hate to say this ... but honestly, even my Bors would not have said something like that to his future wife. Ok, ok, maybe that's because being cordial and popping out an heir come under the heading of "unstated assumptions." But still, I really think he might have made a bit more of an effort with Claire, at least at first.
And before she went into the nunnery ... Bors never cheated on her. And if it wasn't for his financial problems and the fact that she popped out three girls in a row before getting to Elyan, Bors would not have begrudged Claire children.
Good God. I can't believe I said all that. But Ietrin just pushed a bad, bad button.
I think Ietrin's reasoning here--beyond the typical Medieval ridiculousness--was that if he had to go into this marriage against his will, at least it could be on his terms.
But that's not an excuse for his being a jerk, because he definitely was one here. If Jeda hadn't lost interest before, I think it's safe to say that she has now.
I think what we saw here were all the ugliest aspects of Ietrin's personality working together, and the target wasn't someone who could necessarily take it. The post was a little unnerving to write, really--Ietrin's brain is kind of a psychological shitfest :S
Ouch :(
Pretty much :(
I sure hope he doesn't take that attitude to their marriage bed. If this is any indication of what life will be like for Jeda I feel for her more than I ever have.
And if things around them are going to get crazy, this just makes her future look worse than ever. She doesn't deserve it.
"Good. Now, give me a kiss..." Really? He actually wanted a kiss? Ietrin may be the first king to have his throat sliced in the middle of the night...especially if he takes that behavior and attitude to the throne. Too bad Roderick has no idea what he has spawned.
Man I had no idea I was this far behind...
Best case scenario, he leaves her alone most of the day :S
If she ends up slitting his throat in the night, I don't think anyone will really be able to blame her (unless of course he redeems himself, but if he does, then obviously she wouldn't be slitting his throat).
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