July 13, 2009

In Which Halford Brings Good Joy of Great News, or Something to That Effect

January 6, 1159

"Lau--rei--na!" bellowed Halford to the landlady as he and Adonis stumbled into the inn. "Sumthin' to drink for me an' Master Ind'ruon here, tha's a good missy!"

Laureina's husband sent him a disapproving glare. "You're already drunk as it is--and it's barely midday. Why should we serve you anything?"

Halford chuckled heartily. "'Cos we bring you, people o' Veld'rashire, good joy of great news!"

"Or... sumthin' to that effect," added Adonis under his breath.

Seoth continued to stare stonily, but Laureina laughed. "Oh, good joy of great news, you say? And what, pray tell, might that be, Halford?"

"Well, come o'er here and I tell you," he offered her, slapping his knee as an invitation for her to come and sit on his lap--then he remembered that he was standing.

Laureina didn't move; Seoth, however, made his way around the counter. "I'll handle this, love," he told her, turning to face Halford sternly. His grave and cold manner might have been unnerving had Halford been sober; it was a fortunate thing that the landlord was a fairly small man, and that Halford himself was quite large.

His wife took the opportunity to push a second pint toward the hooded patron in the corner, a figure whom Halford might have ordinarily found suspicious, but of whom he took little notice in his current state. "You do that, champ."

"So..." Seoth began, obliging Halford to look downward in order to meet his eye. "Why is it that you've come to the inn when you've clearly already had your fill of wine, if not something stronger?"

"The news!" he exclaimed, rather exasperated. "The joy! E'eryone oughtta know!"

Seoth's eyes narrowed. "Know what?"

He turned to Adonis, who promptly shook his head. "You better tell him, 'Alford... I think I migh be sick," he slurred.

Chancing a quick glance at his now paled-faced friend, Halford snorted. "You gen'lemen can't 'old your liquor. Anyway, Seoth... we were o'er at the castle, right?"

"The castle here?" demanded Seoth. "Lord Severin's castle?"

Excitedly, Halford nodded. "Aye, tha's the one!"

"Continue," Laureina obliged him as she made her way to her husband's side.

"Right. So... we got there, and Lord Se'erin an' Lady Alina were pretty happy about sumthin'."

Impatiently, Seoth made some gestures that seemed to be telling him to get on with it. "And...?"

"There's gonna be a wedding in June!" blurted out Adonis, clearly no longer able to contain himself.

"And not just any ol' weddin'," Halford added, noting the disappointment in Seoth and Laureina's faces. "The king's! King Ro'erick is gettin' married in June! To Lady Alina's sister, Lar'lita!"

Seoth raised an eyebrow. "The former Countess of Bandera?"

"One an' the same! An' you know what a royal weddin' means," he whispered, pausing dramatically for effect. "Tha's right--holiday!"

Giddily, Laureina clapped her hands together, her features alight with the radiance of her smile. "Well, isn't that wonderful? We'll all have a day off! The farmers will certainly be happy."

"Maybe go tell your patrons," Adonis advised her.

Cracking the first hint of a grin Halford had ever seen from him, Seoth nodded. "Indeed, we shall."

"I'll beat you to it!" his wife teased him as they made their way to the tables. "Gentlemen! I have an announcement to make..."

Halford chanced a quick glance at Adonis. "Still want ano'er pint?"

"No thanks," he replied, shaking his head. "I'm drunk enough a'ready. I'll just head 'ome now--now that I know everyone'll be happy. Abs'lutely everyone."



Van said...

Uh... sorry if I went waaaaaay overboard with the drunken slurring :(

And also, sorry if Halford's senses and thinking seemed rather inaccurate for a drunk. I'm not a loud, energetic drunk like Halford myself--I'm one of those lethargic, melancholy drunks. My senses and thought patterns usually don't change much under the influence, my reaction to alcohol is mainly emotional. So... I could only really guess what might have been going on inside of Halford's head, and I don't exactly think I hit the bull's eye; it might have been a safer bet to go with Adonis's point of view. My bad :(

Penelope said...

Whoah, whoah, whoah! WHAT is Geneva doing back in Naroni???

Heh, "good joy of great news". Hehehehe

Van said...

I imagine she comes back periodically. She's a wanderer now. However, I do think she has the good sense to mind her own business and stay out of Roderick's life--for now.

Meanwhile, I figure she had to know about this, for the sake of future developments.

To think, though! If she hadn't been sitting there, this post might have been a lot better. That first picture, where they walk in and clearly establish themselves as being wasted? That's them swooning over her, as you could probably tell. If they hadn't given me that pose, and I hadn't thought it looked hilarious, they would have probably been sober.

Phoenix said...

Dude, dude!! I just said that in my last post!! haha!! I wonder exactly what Geneva is thinking?

I sound like that when I'm T-trashed!!! Seriously! I'm a happy drunk! *shakes head*

Van said...

Hooray, you're psychic :D

Lol, it's good to hear that it wasn't too unrealistic. Thanks :D

I wish I was a happy drunk. As the name implies, happy drunks have more fun.

Verity said...

Teehee... they were so funny.

Whoops, well I guess the cat is out of the bag now. And Geneva is back! Double whoops.

Van said...
