January 3, 2011

In Which Octavius Is Left Alone with His Fury

April 14, 1171

"My God!" Roderick gasped as he barged unheralded into the study. "I swear, if you don't fire that abominable man and find yourself a respectable steward, don't think I shall hesitate to do so on your behalf!"

Octavius put down the stylus and forced back a groan. So much for sending off the letter to Oswald within the next half hour or so. If there was anything Octavius had learned after two marriages, it was that the agreeability of any given in-law was inversely proportional to the likelihood of seeing him or her on a regular basis. Maybe absence really did make the heart grow fonder and all that nonsense; then again, that might have implied a counter-truth which wasn't often a truth at all.

Or maybe it was in regards to Roderick. "What did he do this time?"

"The nerve of that man!" In his typical fashion, the king crossed his arms and scowled. "Would you believe he had the gall to ask me if I wore my crown to bed?"

Trust Florian to ask that of a king. Octavius stepped around his desk and stopped at Roderick's feet, then tried to remember the last time he'd seen his brother-in-law uncrowned; now that he thought about it, he wasn't even sure there had been a first time. "...Do you?"

Roderick sniffed. "That is none of your business. Besides, I have something important to discuss with you."

"Then please, make it quick." Octavius didn't have any specific plans for the day, but he did not particularly care to endure Roderick's presence for any longer than necessary--besides, he thought he knew what this was about anyway. It was hard to believe, but it was the only important issue that came to mind: Roderick must have finally swallowed his pride and decided to bury Geneva in the royal crypt. She'd already been buried of course--in Octavius's own castle crypt, beside Medea--but it wasn't as if digging up the coffin was out of the question.

However, he was proven wrong by the grin on the king's face--at least, with all of Roderick's other flaws, Octavius liked to think he lived in a kingdom ruled by a man who didn't grin when discussing the location of his wife's corpse. "Well, perhaps you haven't heard, but my eldest daughter will be getting married in September."

Oh--wedding business. Any interest he might have had left him--and even if it hadn't, what did any of it have to do with him? "Roderick, I don't live under a rock."

"I never said you did." And yet, that idiotic smile remained. "Anyway, Learianna and Camaline came to my study the other day and proposed the most charming idea; care to guess what it is?"

Octavius raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I don't know... the rings flown in by a pair of doves?"

Roderick's hand flew to his chin, uncharacteristically and almost frighteningly thoughtful. "No, but now that you mention it, that would be quite charming; I'll have to see what Laralita thinks."

"I was being sarcastic!"

"Ah, but I was not." Typical--but at the very least, at least he was looking like his foolish old self again. "Anyway, what the girls suggested was that instead of a mere single royal wedding--as fantastic an occasion that would be on its own--we make this a double royal wedding! Learianna will marry Lornian, and Camaline will marry your son!"

"...What?" Of all the things he hadn't been expecting to hear that day--and really, of all the things he'd been dreading hearing ever. For the life of him he couldn't recall having ever felt less comfortable; at the very least, he supposed that this visit could no longer get any worse.

"Oh, but it gets even better!" Roderick clapped his hands together like a child who had just been presented with a pony. "After that, I mentioned the idea to my wife, and she managed to take its brilliance one step further. What if, instead of a mere double royal wedding--again, as fantastic an occasion that would be on its own--we make this a triple royal wedding! Why not have Ietrin marry your daughter as well?"

Well, so much for thinking that the visit couldn't have gotten any worse. "Roderick, you do realize that the twins aren't even fifteen yet, right?"

"So? Neither is Camaline." The king dismissed the objection with a shrug, then resumed his infernal grinning. "And I'll have you know that she seems especially excited to marry Sparron."

Camaline? Excited? He'd believe it when he saw it--not that that mattered much in any case, considering all the other problems with Roderick's half of the dialogue. "If that's the case, then I'm sorry, but I don't feel as though either of them are ready to be married."

Roderick blinked, as if he didn't quite understand--more than likely, knowing him. "My other daughter and her betrothed aren't much older."

"I won't presume to judge your children's maturity," Octavius told him, "but I know my own, and I don't think it would be in their best interests to marry them off so soon."

"Then clearly you don't know what is and what is not in their best interests."

Having grown up with seven brothers, indulging people's idiocy was something Octavius had been practically conditioned to do; Roderick, however, had just crossed the line into outright rudeness. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you questioning my competency as a parent?" One did not live forty-one years without being insulted. Octavius had been called his fair share of unpleasant things during the course of that time, but this was the one affront he would not suffer lightly.

"Oh heavens, no!" Roderick laughed, just as one laughed at small children who let slip unwitting curse words; if he was trying to relieve the tension, it wasn't working. "I'm just saying that you need to learn to let go; you should have known when they were born that they wouldn't be babies forever."

"Yes, but they're not ready!" How many more times would he have to stress this? Any other man in the world would have understood! "You're never going to find a girl sweeter than my Jeda, but the poor thing still needs to develop the confidence required of a princess and a wife and a mother, and Sparron... well, I don't know exactly what's going on there, but it hardly takes a genius to see that something's troubling him and being forced into a marriage at such a time--"

"Has it not occured to you that he might be depressed because he has a stifling father who won't even let him get married?" The king tossed back his head, eyes narrowed and nose in the air like the pompous ass he was; that damn crown didn't even budge. "My God! I thought you would have wanted to see them married sooner rather than later! I thought you would have wanted to get a few grandchildren out of them before they lost their minds and offed themselves like their--"

The next few seconds were a black spot on Octavius's memory. One moment, Roderick had spewed forth the greatest of blasphemies; the next, the man was stunned, silent, as Octavius's shaking fist returned to his side. He recalled nothing of what had happened in between, but after a few strained seconds, Roderick reminded him. "Did you just strike me?"

Octavius said nothing. His anger was such that he didn't doubt he would kill the son of a bitch if he allowed himself to move.

"You bastard!" Roderick stepped back and scowled. "You dare strike your king? Do you have any idea what I might do to you if you weren't married to my sister?"

"Do you have any idea what I'll do to you if you ever speak about my children that way again?" He took one warning step forward; Roderick ducked to the side. "King or not, I won't stand by while some arrogant prick insults my babies! No wonder no one respects you--not only are you a complete imbecile, but you're also the most inflated sack of shit in the whole damn kingdom! Don't think that my children will be marrying yours in September or any time after that; congratulations, your majesty, but you've just lost yourself an agreement!"

The king's brow furrowed, a hint of angry smugness in his frown. "You seem to be forgetting a few important details. First of all, I never had an agreement with you; I had an agreement with the children's mother, who has been dead for several years now and whose wishes must be respected. Besides, I am a king, damn it--under Dovian law, I can and will insist that your children marry mine, whether you like it or not. Now, I have nothing more to say about this, and quite frankly I don't care to wish you a good day."

And with that, Roderick stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him, leaving Octavius alone with his fury.



S.B. said...

I bet he does wear the crown to bed, and takes a mirror with him.

Poor Octavius. It's hard to believe he's related to that narcissistic, pompous idiot. But in this case, it probably would be better for Sparron and Camaline, but Ietrin and Jeda? That really did surprise me!

Again, Happy Birthday and Happy New Year and I hope to see Naroni continue forever!

Anonymous said...

It's your birthday, Van? Happy birthday! And Happy New Year, of course.

And ... I was SPEECHLESS when Octavius punched Roderick. Oh my God! I think, if Octavius keeps this up, he might outpace Severin on my list of "Favorite Male Naroni Characters."

(Not Florian, though. Nobody can outpace Florian.)

I really hope that Octavius sticks to his guns and refuses to let Sparron and Jeda get married to Camaline and Ietrin. At the very least, I hope he's able to put off Jeda's wedding. That poor girl is NOT ready to be tossed into the shark tank that is Ietrin, Roderick, and ... *shudders* Laralita.

Octavius needs to get on that horse of his and go get Severin to help him on this -- I don't know if Roderick has enough power to stand against two of his three noblemen on this. (I wouldn't ask Lorn, simply because Lorn has a conflict of interest, i.e. Leara.) Besides, Severin already has experience in defying Roderick on matters of matrimony.

*bites nails to see what's happening next*

Van said...

Beth: Ha. Probably :S

It would be better for Sparron and Camaline, but Octavius is completely in the dark there. But yeah, I don't think Jeda (or Ietrin, for that matter) is ready.

Thanks :)


Thanks :)

At this point, the only thing Octavius can do on his own is send his kids abroad, but that would probably be a last resort sort of thing. If it occurs to him to ask Severin for help--which, in his blinding rage, it might not--that might still not be enough. If Roderick still wants these kids for his own if he thinks they're liable to go insane, then he's probably not going to budge :(

Pen-a-lope said...

Oh no Florian didn't. *bwahahahhaha!*

Roderick is so useless that frankly I am surprised that he has not been murdered and usurped. If he had less honorable men beneath him, Naroni would never have made it to the 15 year mark. OR, if he had the same set of nobles but he was a despot. Imagine that! All that's keeping the country afloat is a king that is a harmless idiot and a court that is too honorable to murder him. No one takes this whole "king" business seriously because he has zero right and zero leadership qualities anyway. This is not the sort of man that other men rally behind. He's just an impudent ass that they all humor so everyone can peacefully go about their business.

Ietrin, on the other hand, strikes me as the sort of person who might have to watch his back when the day comes. He is a little smarter than his father and maybe just a little more sinister too.

There was other stuff I wanted to mention from this chapter but I don't remember.

Also, I think Geneva would have preferred being buried next to Medea as opposed to next to Roderick and Laralita. Let her stay where she is.

Happy Birthday, Van!! How aged are you? WAIT, DON'T TELL ME! It will only make me feel old.

Van said...

Oh yes Florian did :P

You just summed up Roderick's reign pretty much exactly. They put up with him because he's usually harmless, but annoying enough that they don't want to set him off :S

But yeah, Ietrin is a little smarter. And a little more sinister. He could make a very different sort of king.

Geneva would have definitely preferred being buried next to Medea, and fortunately she'll probably get to stay there, unless Ietrin decides to move her when Roderick's gone. But after all these years of not knowing her, I don't think he has much of an emotional attachment to his mother anyway.

Thanks Pen :)

thewynd said...

You know I don't mean to focus on something that probably wasn't the point but I wondered how the children felt about Geneva's sacrifice or if anyone really understands (aside from the nobles in question) exactly what she did for them.

I was shocked (happily surprised as well) that Octavius struck Roderick but I fear that he will push his will on those kids to marry.

Florian - even when he isn't on the screen he makes an impact. So so funny and most likely true.

Happy Birthday Van!!!!!! Woot!!! Enjoy!

Pennnnnn said...

Here's something that occasionally confuses me though-- Why do they still live under Dovian law?

J A Murphy said...

Go Octavius! Roderick has no internal censor does he? I think if I was Octavius I would have bopped him one too. Pity he doesn't remember, I imagine that is one memory he would cherish forever.

I completely agree about refusing Jeda and Ietrin, they are not ready but I thought Camaline and Sparron was a half-decent idea. They are still very young though, and confused. Perhaps it is best that it not happen yet.

Van said...

Gayl: I think the nobles have at least taken the time to sit down and talk to their children, although the whole thing was probably fairly hush-hush in regards to the general public. It might have gotten out somehow, but Geneva was never all that popular among the people anyway :(

Roderick has probably needed that punch all his life--not that I think it'll do anything at this point :S

One of the reasons Sparron is getting married so early is to give Florian more screen time. He and Camaline would make an interesting pair.

Thanks :)

Pen: They occasionally make up a new law when they feel the need, but the Dovian law system is a strong basis that they're all familiar with, and when in doubt, they refer back to it. Apparently there's nothing in the revised Naroni law that would prevent Roderick from forcing Sparron and Jeda to marry Ietrin and Camaline :S

Van said...

Illandrya: Heheh, you ninja'd right by me :P

Roderick is a king, so he says what he wants when he wants. But yeah, I would have punched him too--and cherished the memory.

Sparron and Camaline is a good idea considering the times... when one knows what the readers know. Octavius, unfortunately, does not :S

The Lunar Fox said...

I had never run across a character so awesome that even his off stage appearances are hilarious and stunning, lol. Seriously, it's a great question. Does he sleep with his crown? lol!

Roderick is another character, a complete buffoon full of self importance. He's a regally walking disaster.

Poor Octavius though! I'm so glad he stood up for his children, especially for Sparron, but it seems he's only made things worse.

Van said...

Heheh... thanks Lunar :)

Roderick... is definitely a character. So is Florian, but in a very different way.

But yeah, things are going to get much worse after this. My guess is that these marriages (or at least Ietrin and Jeda's) and the resulting effects end up driving these families apart instead of pulling them together :S

Verity said...

This started so funny with the wearing a crown to bed and Roderick's thoughtful look about the doves and ended so intense. Wow... I knew Roderick was a dunderhead but that was seriously going way to far. Poor Octavius.

Somehow I think this triple wedding is going ahead whether Octavius likes it or not (squeee triple wedding... that's going to be a lot of sim organisation if you show it... are you showing it? I hope so... some needs to make two doves carrying a ring custom content :D

Van said...

Sorry Verity, but I definitely won't be showing the wedding. I do, however, plan on six "just before" posts, one from the POV of each of the nuptials-to-be.

But yeah, Roderick seemed to be on a bit of a power trip here. I think the wedding will be going on whether Octavius likes it or not :S