November 20, 2012

In Which Lorn Is Stuck with the Duties of the Eldest

May 6, 1180

It hadn't been Lorn's intention to leave home at all that week--not when Leara could go into labor at any minute--but the messenger had been persistent enough that Lorn's mother and stepfather must have insisted, for all it seemed they hadn't told the man details. At least Raia was there, along with Camaline and Jeda and of course Arydath. Still, even if he wasn't leaving her alone, this better have been important.

His brother and sister and brother-in-law had congregated in the front room, apparently also summoned and likely not having been there long. He wasn't sure how to take that. His mother usually made a point to inform Lorn of anything significant before the rest of his siblings--him being the oldest, never mind her liege-lord--but if it was serious enough that she preferred to tell them all at once...

Well. Now he felt a little guilty for being annoyed.

At least Abrich was smiling, though? And for all his relationship with Rona had never quite recovered from the tournament, surely any hint of tragedy would have merited at least a frightened glance his way?

"Have you seen Mother?"

A question, it seemed, meant a curt turn of the head and a minimalistic response. "No."

"Your stepfather was here, though." Ashe's mouth looked like it wanted to be an apologetic smile, but he was too firmly on Rona's side for it be sincere. Not that Lorn could understand why given the circumstances, but at least his brother-in-law didn't have to sleep on the couch. "Right before you got here, actually. He just told us to wait here a minute."

"He seemed pretty happy about something," added Abrich with a grin. Odd. Since when had Abrich managed more than a grimace? "Here I was, thinking it couldn't have been good news."

"Well, I don't know what kind of grouchy-pants messenger they sent over to your place, then. Our man looked like he'd learned to shit diamonds."

Lorn didn't have to turn around to know that Jadin had arrived. At least that meant the sister who actually liked him was also here. "You're lucky my mother isn't here to hear that."

"Your mother loves me and thinks I'm hilarious."

Xeta affirmed that with knowing snicker. "Though sometimes it's difficult to understand why." She brushed past Lorn with a quick kiss to his cheek, then pulled Rona from the couch and gave her a hug. "Anyone know why we're here yet?"

"No, but Ovrean should be back any minute."

"Or we could probably just go in." Abrich stood, but didn't make a move for the door. "It's not like this is a stranger's home."

"It wasn't all that long ago when you lived here, even," mused Rona as Xeta released her.

"Or you--even if you just had to move back to the nice big castle once Xeta's room was free."

"True." But Rona didn't budge either.

Jadin and Ashe shared a look that could have stood for a bit of subtlety. Xeta paid her husband a smirk, then passed it along to Lorn. "I think you know what happens next."

An annoyed sigh slipped between Lorn's teeth. "I know."

It was amazing, really--just how many stupid duties came with being the eldest.




Van said...

Having now written this, I feel it would have been a much better post had it just been Lorn and one of his siblings (probably Rona for the lingering friction there; Abrich being wishy-washy would've also worked, but wouldn't have contributed as much to the story as a whole), but I kind of wanted a post with all of Farilon's older siblings, since I don't think we've ever seen more than two of them at once. And then it stood to reason that any not-ticking-time-bomb-of-baby spouses would probably tag along.

Anonymous said...

Aww, I liked the interaction between all of them. It's nice to see (almost) all of Celina and Dalston's kids together. We know how the Kemorin kids interact with each other, and we have an idea for how the royal family's battle lines are drawn, and of course we know that Jeda and Sparron get along swimmingly. But we rarely see the Mokonri kids.

But yay!! They're gonna see Farilon (who has his mama's hair, I see. For some reason I always pictured him as a blond). I can't wait!

And I have to say, when Jadin said, "Your mother loves me and thinks I'm hilarious," ... I kinda see why. ;)

Van said...

Yeah, they haven't had as much shared airtime as the other sets of noble siblings. It is good to get a sense of the dynamics there.

Yep, they get to see their brother. It might not go as well as anyone would hope, though...

Jadin. XD Celina does have her ways of seeing the best in all her children-in-law.