January 26, 2013

In Which Florian Endures the Longest Hug in History

November 3, 1180

"You're sure you haven't seen him at all today?"

Florian nodded--again. "I think we're about three of the same question past the point of my telling you you're over-reacting."

"How am I over-reacting?"

Oh dear God. "Well, for starters, he's an adult."

Ah, but why did he bother? That logic never worked with the baron's kids these days. "He's fragile."

"He is not. I've seen that boy kick puppies." The baron's face folded in about eight different types of disbelief. "All right, there's a slight chance it might have been a dream. Still! He can take care of himself."

"But he hasn't spent a night away from the castle in years! What if he has an episode?"

"And what if he doesn't? Maybe you've been too preoccupied with worrying, but they haven't been as frequent since Prior was born." Florian took a quick pause to stand. Christ, the term 'pain in the ass' was starting to develop a literal component. "You know, I doubt Camaline gives it up very often. Sparron probably just wanted to get laid."

The baron swallowed. Like it was a huge surprise that his married adult son who had a brat of his own might have been interested in having sex. "I think Sparron has more pressing concerns than--"

"Making the beast with two backs? Running the horizontal marathon? Dancing the dance without pants?" The baron's expression was static. What a waste of a clever rhyme. "Of course he doesn't. He's twenty-four. Let him get his kicks while he can, before he's fifty and his ass gets all wrinkly and he starts forgetting where to put it and it doesn't matter because he can't get it up any--"



The baron cleared his throat. "I'm fifty."

Huh. He thought he would have recalled teasing him about that. "And you look damn good, sir."

"Uh-huh." Why oh why was that eyebrow still raised. "Look, alert me the second Sparron comes in, all right? If he's not back within the hour, I'll have to go out and look--"

"Father, I'm back."

Oh, thank God this conversation was over! "Good timing."

"I'll say." But Florian got the sense that he and the baron differed in their reasoning. "Sparrow, where were you? I was worried sick."

"Uh... somewhere I shouldn't have been." Once the lingering shame had a chance to get inside, Sparron shut the door. "I'm sorry, Father."

Florian clapped his hands together. "Ah-ha! I knew he was at a brothel!"

"Florian, shut up." He scowled. But at least the baron seemed happy now. "Well, wherever you were, what matters is that you're home now. Just... try not to scare me like that again, all right?"

"Yes, Father."

Jesus. Florian had an adult son who still lived with him too. Hamrick had to be gone for about a week before Florian got 'scared'. Hell, probably a day or two for Florian to even notice he was gone. Worrying was Thetis's job. Florian's job was to distract Thetis from said worries.

Then again, there was no one around to distract the baron any more.

"Come here, son."

He watched as his boss pulled his son into a longer hug than Florian could remember giving any of his sons past ten or so. Then again, none of his older sons had ever really needed hugs. Setran and Dragon had been independent long before they'd ever left home. Hamrick worked the farm Florian had made a point to neglect and was usually too tired to stand by the end of the day, much less embrace, while Severin didn't seem to like touching anything that wasn't bound in leather and otherwise comprised of old sheets of parchment. Once they'd grown up, his sons had stopped needing him.

Thank God.

"You should probably check on Prior," the baron urged as the longest hug in history finally drew to a close. "He's been asking for you. I told him grown-ups sometimes need to take care of things on short notice, but I don't think he'll feel better until he sees you."

"Poor kid." Sparron sighed. "I don't know if I'll feel better before I see him either."



Van said...

Two more modern shoots, both fitting given this post:


(Florian has one coming up on... Sunday, I believe? He is in the top ten.)

Anonymous said...


And I have to say: "Ah-ha! I knew he was at a brothel!" He wasn't that far off, was he? I mean, all things considered.

But while I don't blame Octavius for being worried ... Florian does have a point. (Except about the puppy-kicking. Unless ... hmm ... Searle is kind of like a puppy ...) Maybe next time Sparron has to go save Searle from himself, he should leave a note. "Hi Dad, gone to Searle and Lettie's, don't ask why, it's complicated." It might save Octavius a of worry.

Also -- love the makeovers! Sparron looks awesome with that haircut, and Octavius's embarrassing secret made me lol. :)

Van said...

It's certainly been too long since we last saw good old Florian. :)

Well, I'm guessing Searle made good on the "no sex" promise, considering he probably wasn't in the mood anyway, but the point does stand. XD

Octavius does kind of worry a little too much about Sparron, at least where most parents of people that age would be concerned. I'm not sure if Sparron would be keen to leave notes, though, just because he probably figures Octavius would guess it was something sexual (which... I don't think Octavius actually wants to know about Sparron's sex life, unless he thought they were attempting a repeat of the baby scheme, in which case he'd want to put a stop to it). Who knows if Octavius would actually assume that, though.

Thanks! I was kind of worried about putting both of those guys in shorter hairs, but luckily I had some that worked. :)

Winter said...

The note would definitely have been a good idea. I was worrying, and I knew where Sparron was to begin with...!

I guess I can see how Florian would think it's silly, but Octavius' worrying seemed perfectly natural to me. It's not exactly the norm, but considering the losses Octavius has suffered and Sparron's condition, it's understandable. Their father-son relationship, despite the complications, is really one of my favorite relationships in the story. If I was in Sparron's position, I can't think of anyone else in Naroni that I'd want to be my parent. I'm sure Octavius would wish that Sparron was as healthy and independent as other men his age, but I've never had reason to think Octavius resented him because he isn't.

The modern looks have been amazing so far! Sparron's dirty secret is my favorite so far, followed by Severin's. I'll never look at movies or mascara the same way.

Van said...

Octavius has been through a lot in recent years--losing both his wife and his daughter within a short space of time, taking in his granddaughter after her mother died and her father couldn't deal with her presence, his other daughter's on-going lousy marriage, Sparron's health, how Prior came to be, etc. If Sparron suddenly disappears one night... yeah, I don't blame him for worrying either, even if Sparron is twenty-four.

I'm glad you like their relationship because it's probably one of my favorite father/son relationships to write about at this point. Octavius constantly worries about Sparron, perhaps to the point of "fretting" through the eyes of someone like Florian, but at the same time, he never invades Sparron's privacy or judges him or makes him feel like he should be something other than what he is (though Sparron himself feels that frequently on his own, sadly). The balance in that relationship is probably the only reason Sparron didn't go off the deep end years ago.

Glad you're enjoying the modern looks! Heheh. Actually, now I'm curious to see what would happen if I randomly streaked my hair with mascara one day. XD