January 16, 2013

In Which Anna's Composure Is Tried

October 24, 1180

"I can lend you the book of all her tales if you want, if Adrius doesn't already have it. You'd love them." Adinaye crossed her legs and reclined with a fond grin. Anna had to return it; the promise of a book that she had yet to read had once been a rare enough event that even now that it was commonplace, the thrill of the thought remained. "Honestly, there's no finer bard on the continent. She doesn't travel any more, sadly, but even the written copies are better than most other bards in person."

"I'll take your word for it." Though in truth, Anna had always preferred reading anyway. Being told a story was fine... but some bards sped through their songs, and others could spend an hour on a poem she might have read in ten minutes. The human touch was nice, but the experience hinged solely on the performer; the written word, with its accommodation of different paces and its allowance for filling in the blanks, was a much more intimate, personal medium.

But most did seem to love the live performances, and she supposed they had their merits too, so it made the most sense to just keep respecting that opinion while harboring her own and indulging in it shamelessly. Besides, it wasn't as if Adinaye hated reading--far from it! That shared interest was in part how they had become such good friends, or at least as good of friends as two people could be when one of them couldn't risk revealing her real name.

"But who knows? Maybe she can be coaxed out of semi-retirement for the new prince or princess?"

Anna flushed. Her dress had been specifically designed to minimize the bulge, which did cut out the stares, but the kingdom already knew and she'd told Adinaye even before that. Not that she wasn't happy about the baby, or that she even minded talking about it, but... well, pregnant or not, was it too much to ask to be thought of as a person before being thought of as a womb?

Of course, that wasn't Adinaye's intent, and they'd been chatting for a good hour already and this was the first time the baby had come up, so Anna supposed she'd allow it. "Well... I don't know how well a newborn would be able to appreciate a performance? It would have to wait until the baby's old enough to sit through it without falling asleep or crying."

"Well, she'd be performing for an audience of adults as well, but I see your point." She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and beamed down at her little daughter, playing on the floor with some of Adrius's boyhood toys. "I doubt Emmie could sit through a performance just yet. Isn't that right, honey?"

A figure clenched between her feet, Emmie turned around and stared at her mother, prompted at the sound of her name not unlike a puppy. A few seconds of silence later and she lost interest, returning instead to her private games. "Nearly a year now and she still hasn't said a word. Arthur and I are starting to worry."

"I don't think that's too unusual," Anna tried to reassure her. She wouldn't officially be a mother for a few months yet, but Mona had little siblings and she'd sometimes had to watch them. They hadn't all been verbose at Emmie's age, and if anything the king and queen had been pleased with that. "Maybe the longer she waits to speak, the more she'll have to say."

Adinaye laughed. "I should hope so! Sometimes tell-tale movements aren't quite enough."

"And sometimes, they're still the preferred method of communication once they're past twenty." Anna's spine snapped upright while Adinaye took to sweeping wrinkles out of her skirt. How had she not seen her mother-in-law come in? She was facing the door. "Though to his credit, Adrius can be coherent enough as long as his words are in writing."

"Your highness," Anna muttered in greeting. Her mother-in-law had given her permission to call her by her first name, but somehow it didn't sit quite right on the tongue. "I thought you were in conference with Adrius and Arthur?"

"I was, but a messenger arrived and I had to see what he wanted." She sounded almost... amused? That couldn't have been right. Devidra loved conferences and hated messengers. "And the meeting had been winding down anyway, so I figured I'd see what my favorite daughter-in-law and her good friend the countess were up to."

Anna grimaced, opting not to note that she was Devidra's only daughter-in-law. "That's very kind of you."

"Of course it is. Now, how are you feeling today?"

It was difficult not to shoot a helpless look Adinaye's way. But didn't she outrank Devidra as the official Queen of Carvallon? Much as she may have wanted to, there was no sense in shying away from simple questions, even if their intent was... dubious. "Well enough, thank you."

"Good. Mind if I introduce myself to my little grandchild? Unless it makes you uncomfortable, of course," Devidra added as an afterthought, likely well enough aware that Anna was uncomfortable already. Was the former queen making a point to try the new one's composure?

"No, of course not." Anna stood, torso bared despite the dress's deceptive line. Devidra took a few steps forward, studying the bulge with all the mixed feelings of a woman convinced she was far too young to be a grandmother. But she did ultimately bend her knees and venture a wave at stomach height.

"Er... hello, Ramona's baby." How she would never get used to being called Ramona! "Seems to be growing well. Clever choice of dress, though."

"Thank you." Anna tried to keep her deep breath low as her mother-in-law pulled herself out of her crouch.

"I'm not in the business of lies, dear." Devidra sniffed. "On that note, you might be interested that the messenger I had to endure was your brother's."

Mona's brother. She'd have to let Mona know when she returned, for all none of them were likely to have much to say that would interest her. But, uh... "Which brother?"

"One of your half-brothers in Dovia. The Earl of Bandera." Searle. Anna frowned. Hadn't he and Mona only met a handful of times? Now seemed an odd point at which to start acting fraternal. "He sends his congratulations in regards to the baby."

Odd. Most of Mona's other grown siblings hadn't bothered, instead tacking their names onto her father's letter. Then again, Searle did live in a whole other kingdom. "Well, I shall write to him and thank him for the gesture. And he has a new baby of his own that I ought to congratulate him and his wife for, doesn't he?"

"Yes, your little nephew Oswald. But the that there will be need." Almost smirking, Devidra raised a hand to her hair and twirled one of her diadem's hanging chains about her finger. "It seems the earl himself is planning on visiting some time after the baby is born."




Van said...

Meanwhile, in one of Sim Ann's other lives...


Anonymous said...

Tee hee, thanks for the plug!

While on the one hand, I totally see why Anna is worried, on the other ... how much of a problem is Searle of Bandera likely to be? As long as Mona can get to him before he sees Anna in a public setting and understandably has a "WTF?" moment, I can see him going along with this in order to annoy Laralita. Or gain some diplomatic points.

Still, fingers are crossed for Anna, Adrius, Mona, and Andrius Jr.!

Van said...

No prob! I just thought it was funny that we both posted Ann posts the same night. XD

Searle... is only a problem if he stands to gain or lose a lot. In this case, if someone catches him before that inevitable moment, he could very well play along for the sake of making asses of Laralita and Roderick. Or he could potentially blow it in order to win brownie points with Devidra (because he doesn't know that she knows and plans on benefiting) or the other Dovian lords (because Dovia and Carvallon are not historically buddy-buddy).

But since Anna's not due until February and there's a ton of other stuff that will happen before Searle's visit, it's not an immediate worry (well, except for Anna and Mona and Adrius).

Winter said...

I don't blame Anna for being cautious. I wouldn't want to try to pull rank on Devidra, Queen or not.

And my, doesn't Anna look beautiful as the Queen? This could be one of the prettiest babies yet.

I'm having a hard time thinking of a benefit to Searle that really outweighs letting Laralita bathe in her own ignorant glory on this one. This just proves Searle's point about her failings as a mother, and it's not as if Mona was tricked or mistreated.

Van said...

Yeah, I wouldn't want to try that with Devidra either, even if I did outrank her. XD

Anna's baby has been born in-game (because I like to get ridiculously ahead of myself) and oh, does kiddo ever grow up nice. I just hope I can get things speeding up again once I finish off some of my more immediate planned drama so there's a chance we'll get to see him as an adult. :)

Unless there's something pretty damn serious at stake, I don't think Searle could ever object to Laralita's humiliation. The main concern will be making sure that Mona is the first one to catch him at the door.

That said, seeing as Anna doesn't know Searle like we do, I can't blame her for being alarmed. :S

Penelope said...

*facepalm* Not Creepy Searle!!!!

Van said...

It would figure... :S